Trucharts Blog 8/24/2018
Do we keep buying or sell here...
Such a conundrum buy or sell. Stocks keep moving up on the Nasdaq - this is very reminiscent of the 2000 bubble - the Dow Jones moved up first, stagnated and then the NASDAQ took over. We are seeing so much froth - in all stocks and at prices that are exhibiting absolute bubble characteristics. But yet stocks keep moving up - and we believe this may be driven by FOMO and central banks seeing the US economy as strong and buying stocks - think about that central banks buying stocks. Never has that happened in the history and ever since central banks have been in existence - money printing has become the norm and no longer an exception. Risk metrics are being thrown out the window and the predictions are getting frothier each day as if there will be no event that will kill this bull market. Valuations for all metrics are at the highest ever and yet there is not a sign of even a single bear on TV. Just run a check on price to book and price to sales along with PE screeners and you will see what we see as the most frothiest market ever. Every deal is getting funded and VCs are raising funds at an unprecedented levels. Everyone is an investing genius when all assets are moving up.. Very typical behavior at the top of bull markets.. You can never call a top until all leading stocks start breaking down.
Anyway - that was a short treatise on our thoughts as to where we are in this stage of the longest bull market in history. We are witnessing one of the biggest bubbles - and we do not know when or how this will end. In this market a $10B market capitalization is considered to be very low. Companies like VEEV, NOW, ALGN, and many others have revenues of no more than $2.2B but their market caps exceed over $78B - total annual revenue for these companies - $4.7B - so the multiple is - 16.59 - so for every dollar in revenue - people are willing to pay $16.59 - hmm - and the Fed says there is no bubble or folks come on TV and say - it is all great - bubbles are made this way..
On another note - marijuana stocks CGC and TLRY are trading at P/S of over 150 - so people are paying $150 per ever $1 of revenue - TOTAL MADNESS.
But these thoughts aside, we know this is an excellent market for trading and making money on a short term basis and also by the use of options or intra day or even from day to day trading. We are seeing machines doing a lot of the trading based on very elemental trading signals and this tells us that fundamentals do not matter - no matter what anyone is saying - there is froth, technical trading and money is being made at a frantic pace..
Using options or put spreads for stocks that are moving sideways or are in an uptrend is a very good way to generate income on your portfolio - candidates for these type of spreads would be CAT, DE, EA, IBM, ATVI, MNST, QCOM, INTC.
No charts this week but checkout some new features on our site like our dynamic screener at with multiple options for screening:
Our single variable scanner at:
We are planning to go long BIDU, EA, QCOM and INTC. We are heading into the AAPL announcement in September so you can be long stocks supplying to AAPL - like IDTI, INTC and others.
Good luck trading - check out our buy/sell signals on our page
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Good luck trading.
Trucharts Founder