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November 26, 2014

RECORDS and more records coming..Keep on buying and buying

We have been saying markets will close higher into the holidays & today a record high & 1st time the S&P closed > 5d SMA - 29 days in a row.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Trucharts Team

Markets update pre Thanksgiving AM - Stocks to watch

As we have been posting in our posts that the markets will go higher into the Thanksgiving holiday - that is what we are witnessing.  Records after records are being broken and the complacency is truly remarkable.  There is no question are we in a bubble.  The questions now is when it will break.  

Staying long into January next year.  Just take a look at a stock DE (Deere) even though it's forecast was light, the stock is barely down.  HPQ is up because of its split coming up next year.  Just keep trading, trading...

We know people like to have everything free - but we do not get anything for free - we pay for all the servers, data and the folks that work hard to make the site functional and help our users make money.  The full year subscription comes to less than $8 per month.

We like QIHU, TWTR and FB for short term trades.  

Long WSM, Short AEM, DAL and IBB.

Check out our special subscription offer at: 

Happy Thanksgiving from the Trucharts team.

November 25, 2014

Trucharts.com - BUY SIGNAL FOR TGT STOCK - Stock Charts Free


Stock Charts Free & Predefined with Stock Scans/Screener at TruCharts.com:  Check out this chart of TGT with our Fast trade Strategy and you can see the buy signal ws generated at around 60-61 and the TGT stock is now at around 72 - a 20% return if you would have used this strategy to buy the stock.

Here is the chart:

November 24, 2014

trucharts.com Positions update

Our positions: CYBR up 4+; WSM up 0.95; short AEM down 0.70; DAL short was down from our short price this morning and IBB was up today (still staying short).

Trucharts team

November 23, 2014

Trucharts.com – Weekly blog update and Stocks to Watch week ending 11/21/2014

Weekly Blog Update – Week ending 11/21/2014

Another week and another set of new highs in all the indices – PBOC cutting rates set off a rally in the markets Friday and the world central banks pumping heavy liquidity is driving markets higher.  The US markets are the sole investment for the world investors for the best returns. Stock markets and stocks are trending higher without a hint of any correction or pullback. We stated that the trend was higher going into the holiday season, and we expect that to continue or for the markets to be range bound.  There was a breakout in the S&P500 and the major indices this past week and even though the markets appear over bought – this can last into the New Year.  The pattern on the chart indicates higher highs are coming and there is major complacency in the markets.  But typically we do not expect to see any major issues due to the strong Q4 tendencies.  Certain sectors were sparked due to the PBOC cut – like the commodity sector, machinery sector and the emerging market ETFs.
We are seeing oil bouncing back, and we will short the airline stocks this week for a short term trade.  Gold bounced back last week but the trend is still down.  We will be watching the gold and oil sector this week. Some of the ETFs we mentioned OIL and USO are coming off lows and the energy stocks, which were hammered recently are bouncing back. Keep an eye on these oil sector stocks – NOV, NBR, DO, CVX and many others in the energy complex.
We are long WSM, CYBR, YELP and short AEM, IBB and waiting to short the airlines sector this week.  This will be a short trading week but expect consolidation and range bound markets.  Here are some charts to ponder over this week. You can see clearly the UPRO (long SP500 ETF) is very overbought and the DAL chart is breaking down.
Charts for the week:

November 21, 2014

Stock Buy/Sell Strategy Signals at TruCharts.com

Stock Charts Free and Stock Scans at TruCharts.com: Stock Buy/Sell Strategy Signals:

Here is the report from our trade strategy sorted by volume.  These are stocks that generated a buy signal yesterday from one our fast trading strategies - check the open on all these stocks today and you will see all of them opened positive and you could have made money in these stocks.

November 20, 2014

WSM Stock - Going Long

Stock Charts Free and Stock Scans at TruCharts.com - Check out our pick and BUY signal stock we mentioned in our blog and on this site - it is UP 6.80 today - we picked the stock at $66 - here is the chart: Going long WSM.

Gap Up - good volume and strong earnings.

November 19, 2014

Trucharts.com midday update Stock Markets

Trucharts.com midday update Stock Markets

We stated that the markets will be meandering within a range here.  We saw a breakout yesterday and we need to see follow through.  FOMC minutes were released today and that is affecting the markets.  See article below.

Best Stock Charts and Scans - TruCharts.com -

Our AEM short is still looking good.  We are long YELP - but we had written covered calls on that position - it is down - but we will hold till December.  Still short IBB and biotech.

Looking to short LUV and airline stocks.

Our pick Z and TRLA from the weekend blog did well these past two days - check the charts on our site.



Also check out the FOMC minutes brief at:


TruCHARTS team

November 18, 2014

TruCharts.com Market closing update 11/18/2014

TruCharts.com Market closing update 11/18/2014

Markets pushed higher all day today after the housing report and general bullishness heading into the holidays.  S&P 500 crossed 2050 and we stated last week in our blog that the markets are trending higher and the ISEE ratio was indicating a higher market for this week.  We think the DJIA is headed to 18000 and a melt up - stocks like HD - even after reporting so-so earnings are not getting hammered - that tells us that bad news is not affecting stocks - this is typical of bull market behavior - exponential charts and low VIX along with general bullishness from the sentiment reports like AAII and investor sentiment numbers.  

Gold moved higher this week - again related to the SWISS referendum - and the dollar dropping.  Still not a convinving enough rally to buy gold here.  We expect it to pullback soon.  

Tech stocks  such as ASML are breaking out, airline stocks are also doing well (oil price drop).  This is definitely a trader's dream come true.  

Biotech stocks moved higher today - but we think there is definitely topping action in this sector due to the volatility in the price movement - we typically see this type of price action at tops.

Check out our BUY/SELL signal end of day reports and also the BULLISH MACD crossover reports for longs and the opposite for sell/short signals.

Check out our very good sell signal using the trucharts.com buy/sell strategy for FCX. Looks really good if you had shorted FCX around 38 or so.

Trucharts.com FCX Sell Signal

Trucharts.com - Markets Update - Tuesday AM

Stock Charts, Free Scans - Trucharts.com - Markets are meandering here but we expect a melt up - even though it may appear that the markets are topping out - some of the stock action is still bullish and stock picking is selective. 

Keep an eye on Z, CYBR, TRLA, VA.  BABA is due for a pullback and consolidation, airline stocks are still moving higher due to pullback in oil.  Gold is bouncing up due to upcoming Swiss referendum.  

Check here the chart for ASML - with our buy/sell signal strategy.