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Showing posts with label Site Issue. Show all posts

January 19, 2015

Trucharts Blog Stock Charts Free - Week ending - 1/16/2015

Trucharts.com Blog week ending 1/16/2015. 

Happy MLK day - markets were closed today - but what a closing on Friday almost 8:2 advancers vs decliners on NYSE and NASDAQ - we suspect short covering rally and short term oversold conditions - but technically the markets look weak and we had a 13d SMA crossing the 50dSMA for the indices - we expect a bounce to the 50d SMA - we had a strong close and gold moving higher, along with oil. And then we had the Dutch cut their interest rates to -ve. SO we pay the banks money to hold cash - think about that for a second - you pay the bank to hold your money - wow!! Then there is the expectation that the ECB will unleash another round of QE - when are the idiots in the Eurozone get it through their thick skulls - QE does nothing in a heavily taxed and socialistic government structure - reduce taxes and act like Ronald Reagan and let's see what happens - really dumb people lining their pockets. So stupid.

Today China reported the GDP number - 7.4% and then yesterday the markets in China got crushed as China pricked the stock bubble by regulating margin accounts which were non-compliant to the capital requirements. Now everyone expects China to unleash another round of stimulus. The whole world and asset prices are now running on steroids - that is what I call QE and all these stimulus injections into the economy - eventually these will hurt and the central banks are scared shit. Gold is the real currency and there is now a currency war in play an oil glut and stocks/real estate in bubbles everywhere. We never seem to learn from our mistakes.

This will be the start of the earnings barrage week - check the earnings calendar on our site at: http://www.trucharts.com/EarningsView.aspx

We closed our ALTR calls last week - our call on ALTR short was correct.
DAL - we sold puts for Jan 30 for 44 strike - we are still short DA and the 44 puts, GM and F.
Our GM call spread for 34.5 and 36.5 expired worthless. Our stock K is doing well and we are long WSM, TWTR, CYBR, USO and ANV. We still like gold here because it broke through resistance and the Chinese New Year is in February.

Here are some good picks for the coming week -
XLU (www.trucharts.com/stockview.aspx?TICK=XLU); Other stocks (www.trucharts.com/stockview.aspx?TICK=SO) - the utility stocks look good in this falling interest rate environment. Our call on HELE was good - still looks strong.

Chart of GRMN here below - looks good technically for a short term trade:

GRMN stock chart

January 15, 2015

Trucharts.com - Free stocks and Scans - Markets Update and comments - 01/15/2015

Another down day and we stated in our blog and during the weekly commentary the up move looked like a bull trap and that the markets looked precarious. Earnings are not coming in as expected - and the high expectations were reflected in the high valuations and stock prices - it was like there would be no end in sight - markets were moving up on low volume into the end of the year. 

Stocks that do not look good are BBY (Best buy), INTC (Intel), FB (Facebook) - we shorted FB today. We went long gold miners today and we stated that these were looking strong over the weekend - the gold move up was primarily due to the down move for the USD and then the SNB announcement that the Swiss Franc peg to the Euro was no longer in play - that drove gold even higher - this tells us that the Euro is doomed and it will go to par with the USD. A lot of hedge funds exploded today due to the short position in the Swiss franc. 

We showed several stocks on our blog that exhibited weak technicals and were flashing sell signals in our weekly commentary on g+ and twitter (@trucharts). We are short IBB, GM, F, DAL and AEM. Long ANV, WSM, USO, LINE, K and BIS.

Click here to access the charts on our site: www.trucharts.com/stockview.aspx

The markets for the short term have not bottomed yet and we should see some technical weakness into the earnings barrage next week. We would short BBY here and our next pick is LAD - we think the auto cycle has peaked and any stock dealing with the auto market is a short - especially dealers and manufacturers (GM, F are examples of stocks we are short). Here is the chart for LAD and it flashed a red sell signal yesterday:

Use our site for auto buy and sell signal strategy. You can save and make money using this excellent proprietary trading indicator. 


January 6, 2015

Trucharts.com Stocks to Watch and markets 1/6/2015

Trucharts.com Stocks to Watch and markets 1/6/2015

Stock Charts Free, Stock Scans at TruCharts.com, Dividend stocks: Closed our ALTR short today and went short F (Ford Motor Co). Expect volatility to stay high and MU revenue forecast was lower than Street Expectations. Take profits in semi-sector now - Biotech breaking down - take profits. We are short GM,F and DAL. Long WSM, AMKR and LINE, CYBR, HMY. Check out our buy/sell signals on our stockview page - www.stockcharts.com/stockview.aspx.

Chart for MU: www.stockcharts.com/stockview.aspx?TICK=MU

December 30, 2014

Trucharts.com - Site issue

Trucharts.com - Free Stock Charts and Scans - We are having an issue with our stockview page currently - please bear with us - you can enter the symbol and just do a reload or page refresh and it works fine. We are working on the issue currently. Trucharts team