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April 16, 2015

Just Keep Buying; Just Keep Buying -

Trucharts.com - Mid week markets update:

SEO: BIDU stock, BIOTECH, Blog, Free Stock Charts, Hedge Fund update, Hot stocks, TWTR, MO, MACD charts

The markets are on edging on the verge of a breakout - and looks like now we have to catch up with the bubbles in China, India and Hong Kong - money printing eventually always leads to bubbles and all the central banks do not care - under the guise of slowing economies - money printing and 0% interest rates are driving an asset and stock bubble - the central banks will never admit it, even if it is staring it right in their faces - since they are scared shit to raise rates. This has led to property bubbles and stock bubbles - no one can tell now when this will end - but when it does - watch out below - this is totally unsustainable and complacency is becoming the norm - unbelievable. Bubbles after bubbles and the only folks making money from this are the VC's who love companies with no earnings going IPO and they cash in really good. 

For now our motto is: like the fish in the NEMO movie says -  

"Just keep buying, just keep buying" (like "just keep swimming..."). 

We closed CAT today. Our SNDK short worked well and we will close position today. We like ETSY here but want to wait for a week to buy. Still long BIDU & USO (doing very well). Our MO position is also doing good and as is TWTR.

Trucharts team

April 12, 2015

What will you trade this week? We like these stocks...

Trucharts.com Blog - Updated - week ending - 4/10/2015

What will you trade this week? We like these stocks...

A hectic week and now the earnings train will come to town this week. So many earnings, and we can expect, very likely a lot of surprises and disappointments - we love Wall Street - they have been lowering the earnings estimates and then it is very likely that the company will beat the lowered estimates and everyone looks like a hero - the CEO, the analyst, CNBC and news guys love surprises. Is it going to be a train wreck or a smooth ride - what is the Q2 forecast going to be like - these are the questions we need to think about.

In the background we have the Euro dropping, oil moving higher and gold also. The European markets are ripping and now the experts are predicting if the British pound is going to drop thereby driving British stock market higher - well we are in a currency war now. The Chinese and Hong Kong stock markets are on an exponential move and we had pointed to an article on our twitter post  https://www.twitter.com/trucharts) about how housewives in China are now playing in the Chinese and Hong Kong markets. This is not about to end yet - bubbles do not end abruptly - these end when everyone on the streets, including your barber, is talking about stocks. So, still a ways to go.  

Well let us see our markets - the biotech sector bounced perfectly off its 50d SMA average, as did many of the biotech stocks. The DOW, and SP500 are exhibiting a wedge pattern, which seems to be pointing that the markets may breakout here. The NASDAQ which is primarily being driven by the biotech stocks seems to be forming a right shoulder - check the charts on our home page.

Well what will you trade this week - the tech stocks - the big industrials - check the earnings calendar on our site at: (http://www.trucharts.com/EarningsView.aspx) - additionally, we show the date on the stock charts page as shown below (see red marked box on the right corner):

We are going to close our AEM position and SNDK.

Well what stocks are we going to trade: Here are our picks - be mindful of the earnings dates:

We closed BIDU and TWTR in one account - but here are the charts we like this week:

1. www.trucharts.com/stockview.aspx?TICK=CAT - earnings are on 4/23 - but the chart looks 

2. www.trucharts.com/stockview.aspx?TICK=TWTR - earnings are on 4/28 - we like TWTR

4. www.trucharts.com/stockview.aspx?TICK=USO  - ETF - has a good chart

We had picked MYL, TEVA, LLY, ABBV, LO, RAI and M in our last blog and all of these did very well. We still like LLY (watch earnings date).

Check out our best rates for subscribing to our site at - we offer the best feature set on the web: http://www.trucharts.com/truCharts_Services.aspx

Best of luck trading.

Trucharts Team 

April 8, 2015

3 weeks and 15% return on one stock - how did we do it!!

Trucharts.com - covered call buy-write strategy BIDU stock - 

Free Stock Chart, Scans and best features of any stock charting site on the web:

How we made a 15% return in 3 weeks..

Our return of 15% on BIDU - bought stock at 205 - wrote weekly covered calls for two weeks $5.00 each - these expired worthless and then we wrote another covered call for this week for $5 - total credit was for $15.00 (for three weeks) and if stock gets called away Friday 4/10 we would end up making $1500 on ($10250) investment (50% margin). Awesome 15% return!! 


Chart here: www.trucharts.com/stockview.aspx?TICK=BIDU

Trucharts team

April 7, 2015

Hot stock picks!!

Trucharts.com - Free Stock Charts, Scans, Dividend Stocks and more


We talked about our picks in our weekly blog update and these were the HOT STOCKS we picked:

M        - Macy's Up to 68.74 - picked at 68.01 - was up to 69 this morning
TWTR  - Picked at 49.95 - Up today to 52.35 - or over $2
MO      - Picked up at 50.95 - up today to 51.90

We like LLY here.

Trucharts team

April 5, 2015

How to trade this week after the bad jobs report?

Trucharts.com - Blog - Easter Weekend - Stock Charts Free - and more.

How to trade post Easter and what to expect?

We talked about the horrendous job reports we got on Friday in our last blog update - just a reminder the reports showed 126K jobs created vs the expectations of 226K. Futures dropped on the news and the USD dropped - gold rallied and then we had oil rallying this weekend with the Saudi's raising the price of oil to the Asian nations because of demand. In addition, we have the nuclear deal with Iran and then the war going on in Yemen - this is definitely going to impact the oil price volatility. Gold is up today over $12+.

The talking heads on TV are already trying to predict the Fed's move in Q3 and we still expect that the Fed will raise rates in Q3 unless the jobs report stays below 150K. With summer coming, we expect the jobs report to improve going forward. 

Futures are down this evening (DOW futures down -115) after recovering from a 200 point drop and everyone is already trying to predict whether the Fed is going to hold off on raising rates based on one jobs report (which we think is a blip) and should resume an upward trend next month. The weather did have an impact and we suspect hiring in the oil sector was down. 

We indicated that the earnings news has not been very encouraging and we expect that the forecast for the tech sector for Q2 will not be strong. With INTC and SNDK lowering revenue forecasts, we expect numbers to be coming down in the tech sector - recommend taking profits in this sector. We are looking to short TSM and SPIL.

Since we now have to wait till the next jobs report, we expect that bonds will rally here and yields will drop and this will help the utility and dividend paying stocks to shine at least for the short term, in addition to retail/housing stocks. We like the following stocks:

MO - (we are long) www.trucharts.com/stockview.aspx?TICK=MO
RAI - www.trucharts.com/stockview.aspx?TICK=RAI
LO - www.trucharts.com/stockview.aspx?TICK=LO
M - www.trucharts.com/stockview.aspx?TICK=M
PHM - www.trucharts.com/stockview.aspx?TICK=PHM

We are short SNDK, and long USO, BIDU, MO, TWTR. We still like TWTR and you can also check out our predefined scans report on our site at www.trucharts.com/marketreports.aspx.

Also check out our special subscription deals for complete access to our site at:

Good luck trading.

Trucharts Team

April 3, 2015

Jobs? Jobs? - what happened and what will the Fed do now??

Free Stock Chart - Trucharts.com - Technical Analysis, Predefined Scans, Screener.


We are getting some good rest today from markets being closed for good Friday - but the job news for month of March was terrible - only 126000 jobs created versus the estimate of 248000 (BTW - that, as you can see, is a HUGE HUGE MISS) and Feb jobs report was revised down to 254000 from 295000. Stock futures dropped on the news - we will see what happens on Monday to the markets. Gold was up on the news - anticipating an accommodating monetary policy. It looks like the weather did impact this number, and the slowdown in the oil patch hiring affected this number. It also looks like the country has stopped hiring waiters and bartenders - there are only so many restaurants you can open!! 

There is still a huge shortage of workers in the tech field and there are numerous jobs in the tech industry as is evident by the poaching going on in the tech industry and the abundance of openings (due to shortage of talent & experienced workers).

We still think the Fed will still stay on path for a rate increase in Sept - we think this is going to happen. This jobs report was very likely a one month blip and we will have to see 3 continuous months of this type of job creation numbers to see a trend and comment on the Fed response. We still think rates have been too low for too long and the Fed is very concerned about the bubbles in the economy. Have a happy Easter weekend.

We went long MO on Thursday - check the chart at - chart for MO


Other stocks of interest for next week: EXPE, SO, M, PHM, and TWTR and you can check other stocks on our Reports page at www.trucharts.com/marketreports.aspx

Trucharts Founder/CEO

March 31, 2015

Are you buying or selling? We are selling..

Trucharts.com - Free Stock charts - MACD charts & Technical Analysis

Markets pulled back today giving up most of the wonderful gains yesterday - a bull trap. We stated to take profits in the rally and hedge your positions. We are heading into earnings season and be ready for some nasty surprises from the tech sector for Q2 earnings, and energy sector earnings. Gold has been dropping and oil has been pushed down to a potential nuclear agreement with Iran and what this will do the current glut situation. Biotech stocks were getting clobbered today and we think this is profit taking in this sector by the mutual funds for end of quarter performance numbers. The biotech sector has been moving up in an exponential fashion and we are still short IBB. Be prepared - we are already in the sixth year of this bull market and expect a pullback and maybe a meaningful is coming. Check out our automated trading strategies on our site to see if your stock is on a buy/sell signal. We are long TWTR. and short SMH.

In addition, we are recommending selling AAPL. 


Read this: Our theory of a top forming.


Trucharts Team

March 29, 2015

What will markets do this week? Semi Stocks, and which stocks are on our buy list

Trucharts.com Blog - What will the markets do this week - and which stocks are on our buy list?

Where are the markets headed this week? The markets exhibited volatile behavior this past week. The DOW and the SP500 ended below their respective 50d moving averages. The markets closing below the 50d SMA is a sign of weakness and with the upcoming earnings season, it would be wise to take some profits here and wait to take positions after earnings season is over. The NASDAQ held up due to the biotech bounce and the semi stocks on Friday due to takeover talk of ALTR by Intel (INTC). We expect the bounce to the 50d moving averages for the DOW and the S&P. See the charts here below for the DOW and the S&P.

In the commodity complex, gold had rallied hard due to the conflict in the Middle East and the Eurozone uncertainty with Greece. Oil moved up and then pulled back Friday after Yemen was bombed by Saudi Arabia. We think this conflict and Eurozone uncertainty will keep oil and gold volatile in the coming weeks. We think the risks in stocks is growing and we also showed a chart of the margin debt in China used for trading and buying stocks on margin - here it is again:

The Fed indicated that rates will start rising gradually from September - we believe this is coming and the markets are starting to get ready for rates to move higher. Here is an excerpt from the weekly Mauldin Economics newsletter (you can subscribe at Mauldin Economics) - an excellent writer: We call it the world on a debt binge thanks to the Fed:

Quoted as is from 'Thoughts from the Frontline' by John Mauldin
Begin Quote

This report was underscored by a rather alarming, academically oriented paper from the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), “Global dollar credit: links to US monetary policy and leverage.” Long story short, emerging markets have borrowed $9 trillion in dollar-denominated debt, up from $2 trillion a mere 14 years ago. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard did an excellent and thoroughly readable review of the paper a few weeks ago for theTelegraph, summing up its import:
Sitting on the desks of central bank governors and regulators across the world is a scholarly report that spells out the vertiginous scale of global debt in US dollars, and gently hints at the horrors in store as the US Federal Reserve turns off the liquidity spigot….

“It shows how the Fed's zero rates and quantitative easing flooded the emerging world with dollar liquidity in the boom years, overwhelming all defences. This abundance enticed Asian and Latin American companies to borrow like never before in dollars – at real rates near 1pc – storing up a reckoning for the day when the US monetary cycle should turn, as it is now doing with a vengeance.”
End Quote

There were some interesting picks we made this week:

  1. SNDK short - staying short (company forecast lower revenue for the current qtr) - 
  2. TWTR long and still long - looking to add to our position - we like TWTR and believe that they are ready to ramp their revenue model via ads (like facebook). The weekly chart for TWTR looks good (TWTR chart). 
  3. Took a position in BIDU at 205 and are still long with a buy-write strategy. 
  4. Additional positions we have are short AEM, long USO. 
  5. Position in LLY was called away due to covered calls.
We wrote an article on IBB this week and showed that the weekly chart showed very good support at the 13 week and its 50 week average - here is the chart: We expect a pullback in IBB to the 13 week and if it closes below the 13 week, we expect a test of the 50 weeks SMA. Here is the chart:

Good luck trading.
Trucharts.com team

March 26, 2015

Is the market top in???

Trucharts.com - Stock Chart Free, Screener, Scans, and much more - 

Another interesting fact - we have not seen an pre-announcements for upside surprises this quarter - means earnings may not be as strong as Wall Sreet thinks and with INTC and SNDK lowering their forecasts, we expect that semiconductor industry is entering a slump. Majority of the Q4 demand last year was driven by computer upgrade cycle and Iphone 6. 

Remember we talked about the three 6 factor - 6th year of bull market, Iphone 6 and the Samsung galaxy 6 - and the market bottoming at 666 in 2009.. Hmmm!!!! is the top in!! 

Take profits - Short SNDK.


Check these support levels for ETF IBB: 13 week and 50 week SMA have been great support before. See the two circles.

Trucharts team