June 11, 2023
Jun 11 video - Market update
July 4, 2021
New highs expected - 36K for DOW; 4500 for SP500 and 15K for Nasdaq. Sto...
Markets update for July 4 and stocks to buy - CAT,GOOG,DIS,AMC
In this video we talk about new targets for the market indices and how to use our screener along with use of the backtest feature. Also discussed are the stocks CAT,DIS,GOOG and how we traded SPLK.
Happy 4th of July to all
May 23, 2021
In this video - we discuss stocks - FB,MSFT,AMZN,AAPL,GOOG,CRM - their t...
Markets update for week of May 23 and stocks FB,AMZN,GOOG,AAPL,CRM,MSFT
What we discuss in this video:
- Markets update for the past week
- Current expectations for markets
- Liquidity is main driver and explicit Fed put in place – No change – Tapering talk
- Trades for next week – Here are our picks for next week
- BA and airline/cruise stocks + tech stocks (FB,AMZN,MSFT,GOOG,AAPL,CRM)
- Last video picks - CAT, QDEL, Energy stocks, BBY, DD, TJX, DAL (and cruise line stocks)
- Trades we did last week – XOM, VLO, PLCE
- UPS call from a month ago was a great call and still strong; Watching
- Spread call or put writing example
August 22, 2020
Weekend video update - check it out - Great picks for next week and some awesome charts
August 15, 2020
Awesom video update this week - check it out...
What we traded this week - WYNN,AMAT,MU,NXPI and discuss the big cap names and NVDA.
- Markets update for the past week – DIA,QQQ,SPY,SSO
- Earnings upcoming - NVDA
- Bank stocks and Dow stocks – CAT,DE,BA,JNJ,AAPL,MSFT
- ETF page
- SHOP and shorting
- Candlestick vs OHLC bars
- Software stocks
- stock Z (Zillow group)
- Backtest feature another use case
- Software or SAAS stocks CRWD,ZS,COUP,OKTA and MACD patterns
- Subscribe, database issue update and screener example
- Contact us – truchartscom@gmail.com
- Follow us on twitter - @trucharts
B Bhatia
August 1, 2020
Markets update for week of Jul 27 - Jul 31 and picks for next week..
In this video we discuss overall markets update, NASDAQ and why we had traded AMD stock and made over 40%. We also discuss AAPL, FB, MTCH, CAT, DE, PINS,JPM, casino stocks and why and how critical support prices are used using moving averages. We also show how to use "gap ups" in the screener to find stocks that are poised to move higher and why volume is an important characteristic. We show which stocks we are going to buy next week and how you could have made a very good return if you had traded AMD as we had picked it. So please do subscribe to our youtube channel and also to our site - you could have paid for the site subscription many times over just with the profits from AMD. Good luck trading and leave us your comments, questions or email us. Follow us on twitter @trucharts.
July 12, 2020
Trucharts.com markets update Jul 12 and stocks to buy for next week. ROKU...
June 15, 2020
Day trading at extremes and the fastest market bounce back
January 6, 2019
Schizophrenic markets, Fed Reserve, Powell and markets moving up, FAANG stocks
Schizophrenic markets, Fed Reserve, Powell and markets moving up, FAANG stocks
Here is an article worth reading:
The AAPL news was expected - it was obvious based on the suppliers indicating that their biggest customer (as if this was a big secret) was canceling orders - so the news from AAPL should not have shocked anyone and it was also obvious when the stock started falling after the last earnings report. As expected the stocks dropped and the once darling of Wall Street lost a total of over 350B in market cap value - that is the whole market cap for FB - and we say the markets are not over-valued or expensive - this is actually happening - everyone is in equities and the ETFs do not help - we think ETFs should be banned - these distort markets and are really another way for Wall St to just make more money. How are these different from mutual funds - there is really no difference.
AAPL will need to change its approach on the next generation phones and there is nothing new on the horizon and specially this paying $1000 for a phone days are over. These companies need to start realizing that after a certain point - (same as computers) - people are not going to pay up for small feature improvements and there is a lot of competition in this space. Competitive phones are cheaper and better. A good phone should be no more than 500 - yet all these companies keep pricing themselves out of the markets. As you can see Samsung and AAPL are losing market share to Chinese competitors all around the world and we expect that prices will trend downwards as we may have reached the peak with IPHONE X.
There will be backlash as ordinary customers will stop paying these high prices being pushed onto them. This is going to be the next computer - lots of competition and prices will start to come down. There is a lot of buzz around 5G - we expect some noise around this - but it will be short lived. Prices will not be going any higher from here on forward. This means it will impact margins not just for AAPL, Samsung and others - but also their downline suppliers - they will be put under pressure on component pricing.
We would trade the markets here as earnings season is upon us - watch the man without the balls now - Powell - who changes his tune every couple of weeks. He is like a management trainee..
We are expecting to launch our new revamped site with new features and buy/sell directly from our site towards the end of Jan - slight delay to our original planned date.
Time to go and make some money.. Good luck trading.
Trucharts team/Founder (Co-founder Jetstox.com)
November 18, 2018
Our latest thoughts on markets, Bubbles, Housing, NVDA
Our thoughts on housing, NVDA, ALGN and bubbles:
Written on 11/01:
Housing Correction coming, Bubbles, and how we held our NVDA short for over 2 years - patience is a virtue in the markets - what stocks look vulnerable and why we think HD is going to less than 50.. Well, what we expected finally happened - fortunately we were prepared for this big move down and we think more is coming - we used our indicators to monitor and these were confirmed once the move down was triggered. We believe this pullback and move down could last longer than anyone thinks. Bear market rallies are fierce and vicious, and these tend to fool the ones who are still hanging on to their hats, praying for the move up so they can liquidate their positions which were acquired a lot higher. Unfortunately praying and hope are not the answer.
We have shown here our short portfolio and our long/short portfolios below..
We know that there are some impeccable indicators that clearly show we were approaching a top in the markets - here they are: AMD stock - Masayoshi investing money like it grows on trees (which we guess is partially true), and ETRADE ads on TV showing trading can make one a billionaire.. Very standard ads - we live in a world where we are easy to forget the past, and repeat the same mistakes in a different form at a later time with a different group or generation of folks.. It is called wash, rinse and repeat - the big guys know it and they play the game well. Suck in everybody - make them high and drunk - then kick them out onto the road.. Works perfectly.. been there done that.
We have been warning for several weeks now that we are experiencing one of the most massive bubbles ever - ridiculous valuations - excessive risk taking with no regard for risk. Eventually someone has to pay for all this money printing. We believe the Fed has realized there is a massive bubble in stocks and is focused on pricking the bubble. Well, they are succeeding. Not a single soul and crackhead on TV has uttered the word bubble - CNBC, Bloomberg - you name it - all these assholes come on TV acting like they are gods of the stock market - everyone of them is a pump and dump ass.. Trust us - we know this very well - when one analyst came out and pumped up NVDA - all the asses on TV said it is going higher.. It is the most expensive semiconductor stock in the world - trading at over 15 time P/S - there is ZERO justification for that and guess what my favorite top of the market indicator did - that Masayoshi idiot invested in NVDA. We had shorted it all the way up at every 20% move and then also bought the long term puts. Agreed that we missed this bull run - but sometimes you have to use your gut and sit through it - trust us - we have learned patience from markets. And this mistake will never happen again.. We know how to manage such a situation much better next time around. BTW - whatever happened to that analyst - did he get fired - nope - we know that in these firms, the firms will be short the stock, and then their analysts will come and put a buy on the stock while the firm is shorting at the same time.. It is a well known technique/practice - but will never get out to the public - well now you have it. Another one of our favorite shorts and overhyped stock ALGN - what a joke - company does 2B in revenue and market cap was over 35B - how does this make any fucking sense.. (We are allowed to cuss in our own blog!!) - I can tell you people lost their shirts in this stock as it dropped over $80 in a week and over $170 in 4 weeks. Margin calls are running around the trading desks.. We were long ALGN puts right before earnings.
Housing in Bay area - here is our open prediction - a 30% correction is coming.. We said it and are putting it in writing.. There is a 100% stocks to housing correlation in Bay Area and once all of the stocks come back down to earth - so will housing prices - we are already witnessing price reductions of over 100K in a week for eager sellers.. Unheard of again - where people were jumping over each other to overbid and paying top price of over 200K-300K on average over asking - now there are no buyers - whoever is out buying - is going to regret it very soon.. Just a 20% reduction in price will instantly eliminate all your equity.. It is coming - wait and watch. This is the main reason we think HD stock has to go to 50.. all the days of renovation and flipping are coming to an end.. The SALT and HELOC deductions will devastate the Bay Area - watch - Trump knows it. Prices are coming down in NY, Denver, Australia, Hong Kong, Canada, UAE and India.
We are short and stay short NVDA, ALGN, NOW and many more overhyped and overpriced stocks. We will buy when there is blood on the streets.. It is unfortunate that many people will end up losing (wise ones will sell and take their profits) while all the suckers who are still drunk and high at the party will be stuck with a big shock.. It is also unfortunate that the Fed and all Central bankers have made the world (along with China) addicted to bubbles.. They have not learned that human behavior does not change just because of a single or two incidents (2000 and 2008 crash) - people will take more risk when money is flowing like water.. No one is talking about all the pension funds, government liabilities, and many more government entities that will suffer consequences of bubble markets - it is sad and it would have been better had the Fed and central bankers had taken a more gradual slow and steady approach - we might have been in a much better position. Yet they do the same - wash , rinse and repeat.. So take profits while you are up - and do not end up crying later..
We will be announcing an amazing offer for equity trading from our site directly very soon - an unbeatable offer - that will rock your brain.. It is coming - stay tuned.. and keep checking our site..which will also be completely revamped..
Also check our call on Chinese Yuan to USD targets on our twitter handle @trucharts where we post our trades and our previous blogs.
BTW - sell AMZN and we are short NFLX.
Short portfolio link on Twitter handle - (@trucharts)
Good luck trading..
Founder/CEO/Team at Trucharts.com
October 19, 2017
Bubbles everywhere and new highs and extreme complacency
Bubbles, Bubbles and more of it...
This is what bubbles of made of - low levels of volatility and no respect for risk. We are now in a massive bubble and it is now looking like it may also beat the 2000 bubble. All around me I see people discussing stocks and trying to make that quick buck and let me tell you in this type of environment it is very easy to do that. Extreme liquidity from all central banks and the Yellen, Draghi put is making this market look even more risky day by day. But right now everyone is high and happy - as every investor thinks that stocks will never ever go down and there is no risk. Stocks like IBM, UNH and big cap names moving over 10% in a day is not a normal market. Stock rebounding on bad news is not a normal market. All news is good news, even if it is manipulated from an earnings perspective. All valuation metrics are above and beyond the previous bubbles and we have literally created money out of thin air. Central bank balance sheets are loaded with debt instruments, company valuations from a Price/Sales and PE ratios are at highs that eclipse the previous bubbles. There is total disregard for risk and yet no one cares - everyone acts like this is normal price action. Take for example IBM - they beat earnings because of their tax rate - and their tax rate - a phenomenal 11% - yes you read that right - a company as big as IBM pays a 11% effective tax rate and us normal folks pay at 30%. Their revenue was marginally higher and yet the stock was up over 10% in a day - think about it IBM up over 10% in a day. ADBE reported numbers that were slightly higher than the analyst estimates for 2018 and the stock jumped over $15 in after hours - yes that is right over 10% move in a single day. Yet we have the TV talking heads all acting like this is normal and there is no bubble. We do, my friends, and I have lived through two of these and this is the 3rd one - but this is not only a stock bubble it is like a loaded gun - completely leveraged - with housing, stocks, debt, and bonds all at all time highs and we are supposed to act like this is normal.
Our good old friend Masayoshi from Japan is back and making the rounds - he lost over 70B in the last bubble - yet people gave him money again and he is running around like a boy in a toy store making stupid investments in companies that will never survive and at valuations that are mind blowing. He has a 100B fund. Think about that 100B to invest anyway he wants with no restrictions. Exactly like 1999-2000.
Everyone is feeling rich and the rich just got a lot more richer. More billionaires everyday - why? - all because the Fed is a puppet to the banks and the markets. Foot on the pedal on money printing. They dare not touch the dial or the button - who knows what will happen if they cease or pull back on their asset purchase programs or take away the punch bowl. They are petrified and have no handle on the situation - they use outdated metrics to measure inflation so that can keep printing more money and to keep juicing the pump.. We are all at a big party and no one thinks it is going to end - end it will - when maybe next year - I think. But until then just keep drinking...and get drunk.
Margin debt is at all time highs and yet no one is worried - the last time that happened was at the market tops of 2000 and 2007.
Some articles to read:
It is a bubble when you no longer have to flip homes to make money - you just have to take a snap (photo) and send it to an investor and just make money (check SnapFlip). Boy times have changed but the story has not. It is the same - wash, rinse and repeat (just with different names). Every show on TV now is related to housing flips and everyone is in it. Amazing how things look the same once you have experienced it before - what is that called - oh - 'deja-vu'. The more they say it is different this time, the more convinced I am that we are in this huge bubble and something is about to break. When who knows, but it will happen. Just read the articles in the links above.
Margin debt at new highs, consumer credit card debt at new highs, auto loans at new highs, student loans debt at new highs - we are all running on borrowed time - we are a mind boggling debt creation machine and what is that called - enslavement. The rich have gotten richer and they are creating debt to enslave others. Companies are mired in debt and China - don't even talk about the Chinese regime - they are lying about everything - just to keep up the charade - debt is ballooning in China and is at over 250% of GDP and everyone says - that's OK - they will manage - of course, I could manage a trillion dollars as long as I have dollar printing machine in my back yard.
It is amazing to see what is happening and everyone is smiling and acting like - there is no problem - it is all glorious.. Sure it is.. IPOs left and right, mind numbing valuations for startups with no revenue and so many stupid companies being funded - it just rings bells of 1999-2000. I think there must be a 17 year cycle or something..Anyway keep your eyes wide open, and learn to take money off the table and take profits.
We have a very unique feature on our platform - we call it PortfolioSense - as a subscriber you can enter any number of portfolios and we will send you an email at the end of the day to show how your stocks are doing in terms of the technical signals related to the holding in your portfolio. You can then check out the chart to see if you need to make a buy or sell decision. Check it out - I use it all the time and here is the link - http://www.trucharts.com/TransactionDetails.aspx
Don't even get me started on the Drumpf..
June 12, 2017
Friday's Nasdaq Tech Bloodbath
Was it a tech carnage or not?? Friday was a huge rollercoaster ride but we made out really well!Well, Friday started out like a good day in the markets with many of the FAANNG stocks hitting new highs and then reversing ending lower. AMZN moved around 100 points and we were very fortunate that we had closed our puts and were long the lower puts on many stocks and all of these made us some really good profits.We have been short NVDA and are staying short - we know this is a bubble stock trading at ridiculous valuations. Many of the stocks on the NASDAQ have been going up non stop in a straight line up with almost no end in sight - it looked and still looks like the bubble of 1999-2000 with a different feel. Everyone feels invincible and like a investment pro. It is all easy to think that one is a genius in investing when making money is so easy. It is days like Fridays when folks start getting margin calls that we see selling and then everyone tries ti buy the dip. We will have to wait and see if buying this dip makes sense.
Now there was one key thing we had noticed on Thursday even when stocks were moving higher - MSFT was acting weak and that was a sign that something was changing. Everyone in the midea and online (CNBS - Cramer) has been harping on and on about NVDA - a chipmaker which momentarily reached a market cap of 100B - yes 100B and selling at price to sales ratio of around 12+ - no semiconductor company has ever traded at such a huge multiple or valuation. Also it is very common to see when stocks are high flying that analysts and idots on TV come out and try to justify the valuations of such stocks - vocalizing terms which they have no idea about like AI and VR etc. NVDA is a chip company - end oif story and their sales will never ever reach the lofty valuation it carries. NVDA is primarily a graphics chip company with lot of competition and this is a very hyped stock. We highly recommend taking profits, if long, and we are short and long NVDA puts.So what happened Friday tech stock bubble - we think there is a shakeout that took place. Technicals are still strong and until we actually see real technical breakdowns - we have to count it as a shakeout. In addition, it would be prudent to take some chips off the table and ring the bell on profits. Many of the stocks bounced up from their 20day and 50d SMAs. Very typical when machines are running the house. We can expect some bounce but we are also seeing rotation out of tech stocks, which we mentioned have been going up in straight line fashion, into energy and other sectors.
Financials were strong but we still think this was a dead cat bounce. We like BAC and some financials, in energy we like beaten down names like SLB for short term plays. We also like some retail names - short term trades - GPS looks good. We would short SBUX, NVDA and LRCX. Although the real technical weakness or clear breakdown is not evident yet - have tight stops above at recent high. We suspect there will be some bounce back and maybe this was just a shakeout. We will have to wait and see confirmation - as there were no breakdowns below 50dSMA. NVDA was a classic textbook climax high reversal.
Financials were looking strong as these were oversold and oil bounced with gold closing lower. We need to watch for follow through on these next week. GPS chart looks good and we are watching BABA to see if it consolidates here for a breakout.Monday was a nice bounce back day. Many good formations on charts - need to watch closely - still short NVDA.Good luck trading and checkout our video on youtube and follow us on twitter (@trucharts). We will start posting more videos on youtube on how to use our site more effectively for trading decisions. Do subscribe - it is only $10 per month for full year subscription.
B. BhatiaFounder - Trucharts.com
October 11, 2015
Do you buy or sell now!! Markets where are they headed for Q4 and our favorite stocks - Trucharts.com Blog week ending 10/9/2015
Trucharts.com Blog - week ending 10/09/2015
Well the title says it all - what do you do now that we have had this wonderful rally this week - the move (to us was expected) has been decent and we had stated the markets would move higher after the retest and elevated VIX. So now the VIX is trending down, material stocks have been up, gold has been moving up, right after the Fed announcement and energy moved higher. Markets moved higher as junk bond yields recovered from an oversold condition - be mindful - there is a very high correlation between JNK (etf) and the markets. This is the correlation related to the appetite for riskier assets - specially high yield junk bonds. Based on the charts for DIA and SPY - included here below - we expect the markets to go higher as technicals are still trending higher - see the MACD, RSI and the 200d SMA looks like where we could be headed which would be 17500 for DJIA and 2050 for the S&P500 - these would pose as high resistance for the indices and huge overhead supply. We believe this is just a bounce from an oversold condition with weakening fundamentals, remember earnings drive stock prices. But there are signs of bubbles everywhere and we would be taking profits and sell into the rallies.
Here are weekly charts for DIA and SPY:

Now we are heading into the earnings season for Q3 and forecasts for Q4 - we will have to see what the companies say. From FACTSET news we learned that it would be the first quarter since 2009 for back to back declining earnings quarter over quarter. In addition, FACTSET noted that forward P/E is around 15.9 vs average of 14.1 (5 year). We expect big declines in energy sector along with impact to companies earnings with global exposure due to strong dollar. Well Ms Yellen is going to make it easier by driving down the dollar with the Fed's non stop money printing and ZIRP. We have deleted the earnings calendar and estimates from our site due to very low usage. We will try to see if we can get this data from some other providers. You can check our realtime news page which has an earnings section and dates for reporting.
If you own a position in TSLA - please be mindful - this stock on weekly chart looks like it headed a lot lower and has formed a nice topping pattern. It is at a very critical juncture - the 100 week SMA. Here is the chart:
Charts for gold miners and GLD are looking good for the short term - trend is higher - good for some short term trading. See chart for GLD here - not convincing enough for me. Volume is not strong - but looks like it could go to 50w SMA around 113.
Here is a chart for BABA - we went long at 62.7 based on the buy signal from our site and will close the position soon - very likely this week. As you can see the buy signal was strong and stock is still heading higher - a very unique feature from our site. Please read DISCLAIMERS on our site and our site policies. We always strongly recommend you do your own due diligence and if have never invested in stocks - these are very speculative stocks and trading inherently is not for the risk averse. Please consult your financial advisor before making investment decisions - our recommendations are meant for seasoned traders and experienced professionals.
Please make sure you are aware of holdings in your portfolio and the earnings reporting date - this is available in Yahoo and buy some cheap protection via puts maybe 10% below the current stock price - to limit your risk.
We were also long MO and plan to stay long - strong chart and did a breakout on this past week to a new high from a consolidation pattern.
Now on to our favorite stocks for trading this week and ones we will be taking positions in. These are the stocks we will be trading this week:
September 27, 2015
NASDAQ,DOW and SPY where are these headed? What to do with your portfolio? Trucharts Weekly Blog
Trucharts Weekly Blog
NASDAQ,DOW and SPY where are these headed? What to do with your portfolio?
We also have the chart here for the buy/sell signals for IBB on weekly chart - see below (this feature is provided to our registered/subscribed users). We think IBB is headed to around 260 - 280 range. There will be margin calls on folks who are long biotech stocks.

Now where do we think the markets are headed - gold moved up after Godmother Yellen spoke on Thursday that rates would rise in 2015 and markets were up in on Friday early and then pulled back later in the afternoon. We believe the institutions are moving into the comfort of consumer cyclicals, staples and high divided yielding stocks in sectors that are still strong. We are concerned that we may see dividend cuts in the stocks of oil companies - just a guess - but with oil down - there is no way these companies can sustain such high payouts. In addition, we expect massive layoffs and the oil states economies will be affected (Texas, Louisiana and others). We like NKE after their earnings report. We hav been playing with NFLX and are short FIT/GPRO (valuation too high). We expect the DOW to stay range bound 15000 - 17000 for some time here, SPY is headed to around 1750 - current price is 192.85. We would be very careful here - SPY and DIA have broken 100 week SMA.
China slowdown has now shown up in 2 major equipment suppliers - JOY and CAT. CHina is definitely slowing down and we have to see if they are headed the way of Japan. In addition, the central banks are still running loose with money printing and it seems to be helping the top 1% only. Brazil is going to the dogs with its credit rating cut. The rates for 10 year bonds in Brazil have shot up to 16% - want buy some Brazil debt - anyone? We would stay away from these stocks. We like gold stocks - but we need to see high volume breakout - we are not there yet. We encourage to write covered calls on your positions - that is what we have done and that has protected our portfolio. The trend is down. The ony thing in favor of the indices is the RSI is oversold - but needs to consolidate. Here is weekly chart for SPY:
June 5, 2015
Keep an eye on these stocks and charts!!
For SEO:
Stock Chart(s) Free - Trucharts.com - MACD Chart - Charting, Technical Analysis, Hot Stocks, Real time Stock news:
Here are some stocks we like and are long and also keeping a close eye on:
Jobs reports was strong and USD is moving up and treasuries are dropping and yields are moving higher. Gold down - we are short AEM.
1. DTEA - went IPO today - we are long
2. UA - breaking out of a base - challenging NIKE
3. CYBR - we went long today
4. TIF - like it - but closed this position
5. BIDU - love this stock
6. QIHU - looking good for short term trade and China momentum
Charts to watch for SPY and IBB - check the 13 week SMA and 50 week SMA:
May 31, 2015
Markets Direction - Up or Down? Where are we headed? Trucharts.com Blog Update
Markets Direction - Up or Down? Where are we headed? Weekend Blog Update week ending 5/29/15
May 27, 2015
Stock Market 5/28 - Midday Update Tuesday - Trucharts.com -
Midday Market update: 5/27
Stocks are bouncing back from the drop yesterday post Memorial day holiday from a possible buy the dip philosophy and possible Greece solution.
We doubt this move/rally and would look to sell into rallies and take profits - NASDAQ is up from the biotech stock moves and some tech stocks. We like $DE, $BIDU and went long $TIF today. Stocks getting hammered are $WDAY, $KORS and $SHAK. We like $MO and the tobacco stocks for their dividends and would look to go long. Short gold for now.
Markets look extended still and volatility is still low. Oil is dropping. Watch SVXY and VXX.
May 21, 2015
BIDU and TEVA update
Updates on our picks - Trucharts.com -
Stock Chart(s) Free - Trucharts.com - MACD Chart - Charting, Technical Analysis, Hot Stocks, Real time Stock news:
We had picked BIDU and TEVA yesterday - both of these are up today - BIDU is up over $3 and TEVA is up over $1.25. We expect markets to be volatile next week post Memorial day weekend. We would sell into rallies - take some profits here.
Trucharts Team
May 17, 2015
Where are the markets headed - UP or DOWN?
Where are the markets headed - up or down??
We were unable to publish our blog for week ending 5/8 as we were in China due to blogging restrictions. We are going to summarize the market events for the last two weeks and provide our outlook for the coming weeks and thoughts on some trading.
Well we noticed a pattern during the past two weeks - markets would be sluggish during the early part of the week and then ramp into the end of week trading - week of 5/8 we had a huge move on Friday and last week the big move occured on Thursday. Bonds which have been crushed for the past few months (see TBT chart below) bounced back and it is currently oversold and we expect TBT to move up to its 50d SMA. This will lead to a drop in yields in the coming weeks and interest sensitive stocks should move higher - housing stocks like DHI and LEN to move higher. Markets moved higher on Thursday due to the lower retail number print and the jobless claims number. The markets are totally schizoprehnic - every data point is like a tug of war between the bulls and the bears - but we think the bulls are winning.
The indices like S&P500 brokeout to a new high last week and we expect the move higher. Check the charts below for DIA, SPY, SVXY and TNA. With the Fed pumping money into the economy and staying on the sidelines with the low or ZIRP will drive stocks higher. The Fed is stuck in a corner and we have been saying this for weeks. There is internal strife within the Fed governors and there is lot of jawboning going on the interest rate hike front. This is creating a stable trading environment in stocks - we especially like the drug stocks and stocks with weekly option expirations. The NASDAQ moves are being dictated by the biotech stocks. We expect the biotech ETFs to move higher here - these have still not closed below the 13 week SMA.
Our USO position closed on Friday, we are looking to go long BIDU,TWTR. Oil did bounce back and is back at being above $60. Gold rallied and we expect a pullback. The Greece situation has been nothing but noise. Eurozone economies did well due to the pullback in the Euro, but the markets saw a pullback last week. China is in a bubble and will not end until everyone is loaded up - there is a billionaire being made every week - reminds us of the 2000 Nasdaq tech bubble.
We are still long MO,DNKN,BIDU and we will close our BOX position this week.
ISEE C/P ratio hit a new 52 week high on Thursday - it recorded a reading of 228 and that means over 2.2 calls were being bought for every put. This typically points to a higher market. Hedges are cheap now as volatility is low and we recommend buying some SPY puts and or puts for your positions at 10% below for 30d out timeframe.
Checkout our backtest article we posted last week for our site and also check out excellent subscription rates for full access and it is currently discounted at 50% for one year access - here is the link - http://www.trucharts.com/truCharts_Services.aspx and we would really appreciate if you can spread the word for our site - and create a buzz - we know we have one of the best stock charting sites on the web. We have updated our home page and are still adding features daily. Check these out and send us your feedback - support@trucharts.com - your feedback is so critical to help us improve our user experience.
Closed EEM short.
Here are some articles for some good reading this week.
Here are the charts we are watching this week:

Good luck trading.
Trucharts Team
April 19, 2015
Was it a market Correction? Or the start of something bigger?
Markets on Friday pulled back and broke the 50d and 13d SMA from the wedge pattern we discussed in our last blog. The NASDAQ closed above its 50d SMA. Here are the charts with critical short term trendlines. We expect support for SP500 around 2048 area and for the DOW around 17450. For NASDAQ, around 4850. These will be short term critical support areas.
There was news on new housing starts which was not good heading into the peak home buying spring season and the housing stocks - check (www.trucharts.com/stockview.aspx?TICK=LEN as an example). Then we had news from Greece and possible default, then the news of the slowdown in China growth and the stock market bubble - investors opened over 4.8M accounts in one week - think about that number 4.8M in one week - Wow!! China is experiencing the same bubbles we had in the US - stocks bubble, housing bubble and then now again stock bubble. There are bubbles brewing everywhere and now for the first time San Francisco median price crossed $1M - this is what happens when money printing machine is running non-stop.
Check the trendlines for the DOW, SP500 and NASDAQ. Watch the levels closely. We have been in a sideways consolidation pattern after the breakout in Oct of 2014. There have been breakouts, but the markets have still been in a sideways pattern. Support for DOW is around 17000, SP500 support is at 1980 area.

With the earnings season in full force there have not been too many surprises - PM raised forecasts and the tech companies have had lackluster earnings - even the forecasts have been muted. We think this is the peak of the tech cycle.
We are looking to short XLK (www.trucharts.com/stockview.aspx?TICK=XLK)
and/or SMH/IPGP (www.trucharts.com/stockview.aspx?TICK=IPGP) for the short term.
There is a another set of earnings barrage coming next week and the week after - IBM, AAPl, TWTR, YHOO and many more - check this link on our site for the earnings calendar: http://www.trucharts.com/EarningsView.aspx?qst3=qstthisweek.
Our all long portfolio was down only 0.1% on Friday even though the markets were down over 1% each and our long/short portfolio was up 0.5% on Friday. We hedge all our positions and our TWTR position was called away on Saturday. We are long MO, USO, BIDU, TWTR. Short positions are AEM, IBB and SNDK position closed on Saturday.
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Good luck trading.
Trucharts Team