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February 27, 2015

Fed's testimony and views - article

Stock Charts, Technical Analysis and much more - Trucharts.com

A good article on the Fed's testimony - be ready - take some profits - 


Does the Fed think there is a bubble brewing in the asset markets??

A good video from CNBC on interest rates outlook for 2015. I think the Fed does not want to be caught with it's pants down - but there is conundrum here as to what it does for debt payments for the US government - squash the bubble or let it it grow - they have pushed themselves into this corner!! 


February 25, 2015

Stock Market update - Closing 2/25/2015

Stock Market update - Closing 2/25/2015

Free Stock Charts - Trucharts.com - 

On our watchlist today were USO (up), ANGI, LLY, and BOX. ANGI is consolidating for a move up as is BOX. BOX is very risky. We are long all these symbols.

Markets ended almost flat for the day after Janet Yellen's testimony. Gold was up slightly and oil was up today. We think there will be some pullback in thae markets or some consolidation. We still expect NASDAQ to reach and breach the 5000 mark - thanks to BIOTECH sector stocks and the bubble in internet stocks. 

Oil is consolidating here and trying to form a bottom - we expect thsi to move up into summer. 

Watch USO and OIL etf's closely.

Trucharts team

February 22, 2015

Trucharts.com - Hot stocks to watch and - Blog week ending 2/20/2015

Trucharts.com Blog week ending 2/20/2015 - And Stocks to Watch for the coming week and markets

Well another week and another set of new highs for all the indices - S&P, Dow and NASDAQ (headed to 5000) - We have been saying that what we experienced the week before was a breakout of descending triangle pattern and the markets just moved higher after the breakout. The Eurozone Greek situation is just noise and it is totally irrelevant to the markets in the US. That has been our theme and it has made money for us. Although we are seeing fewer stocks participating in this move up - nevertheless, the markets are heading higher. We expect a pullback to the 13d SMA and we should be mindful of that. We still like certain stocks and we will discuss these below. The Russian issue with Ukraine - just more noise - and Putin is going to keep the West on its toes - while the West is going to keep putting pressure on Russia by driving the price of oil lower - we expect this to be a bottoming process for oil and should last through summer this year. Gold is pulling back as the market moves higher and we are short AEM (www.trucharts.com/stockview.aspx?TICK=AEM) We are long USO and will keep writing covered calls on the USO position.

Our picks from our blog last week did very weel - TWTR, CYBR, USO, LINE - we closed LINE and CYBR this week.
Markets on Friday moved up due to the loan extension granted to Greece for 4 months - and the markets just rocketed higher - even with narrowing breadth/leadership. NASDAQ is being driven by the biotech sector and this weekend SLXP is being bought by Valeant for ~10B.

Next week we expect the Fed to keep the patient theme in their language to the Congress and here is a good article on earnings and news for what will drive the markets next week:

Here are the market stats from Friday close(check the New Highs and New Lows on the NYSE and NASDAQ - lopsided to the New Highs) - means the markets are still seeing a fair number of new highs relative to new lows with market at all time highs - still a bullish sign:

Advances & Declines
Advancing Issues
2,143 (66%)
206 (51%)
1,427 (51%)
Declining Issues
1,005 (31%)
170 (42%)
1,263 (45%)
Unchanged Issues
90 (3%)
26 (6%)
106 (4%)
Total Issues
New Highs
New Lows
Up Volume
2,197,896,660 (67%)
58,220,649 (51%)
1,081,999,545 (63%)
Down Volume
1,044,822,426 (32%)
54,108,506 (47%)
594,106,069 (35%)
Unchanged Volume
53,196,027 (2%)
2,284,090 (2%)
32,536,265 (2%)
Total Volume

Here are the stocks we will be watching this week and we especially like: KLAC, ALTR, Z, ANGI - check out the weekly charts for Z, ANGI and ALTR here below:

(Check the volume for ANGI) - we want to clearly warn you that these are risky stocks - the charts are for information purposes only. We will be looking to buy these based on our analysis.

Zillow stock chart

ANGI Stock Chart

Here are some other charts of interest this week:

www.trucharts.com/stockview.aspx?TICK=ALTR (we closed this week for 4.5% profit)

We closed out GM and F short spread for a small loss - we could have stayed short but decided to close these.

Check out our special subscription rates for new subscribers at:  http://www.trucharts.com/truCharts_Services.aspx

For SEO: Charts, Charting, Free Stock Charts, Free trading, Stock Screener, Dividend Stocks, Hot Stocks, MACD, Candlestick patterns.

Best of luck Trading.

Trucharts.com Founder/CEO

February 15, 2015

Trucharts.com Blog - week ending 2/13/2015 and Stocks to Watch

Trucharts.com Blog week ending 2/13/2015

Happy Valentine’s day to all and after a short travel hiatus, we are back to writing our blog. Due to blogging restrictions in China, we were unable to post to our G+, FB and blogger/WP. It feels weird when you cannot blog about just something simple as stocks. Anyway, it has been an exciting week after what we call a consolidation period in the markets. The S&P,NASDAQ and the DOW all hit an all time high – we were expecting the breakout based on the wedge pattern/descending triangle pattern that started in Nov. We expect this to move to last based on the recent earnings and the oil sector bouncing back. Gold pulled back and we expect gold to move down – we think the move up was due to the Chinese New Year. The Greek crisis is just noise and we do not expect this to impact the markets. Oil is in a bottoming phase and we will watch this closely – our picks LINE, USO and OIL jumped very nicely (over 30% for LINE and OIL etf), our GM short and F short will be rolled over to next month. We expect this to be a peak year for auto sales. Our pick CYBR did very well as did TWTR – both of these are up over 40% CYBR and 20% TWTR since our calls and check out the buy signal for CYBR on our buy/sell strategy chart below:

Check the Chaikin money flow Index on the bottom of the chart – it went negative when the stock gapped up on Friday. Based on our technical analysis, we would expect the stock to pull back/consolidate and make a move higher. The earnings were announced on Thursday after the close and the company crushed the earnings and guided higher.
CYBR Stock Chart


TWTR also reported good earnings and that moved higher and we are still expecting a move higher in TWTR. 

We went long ALTR based on the technicals. Here is the chart for ALTR. We will exit the position this week around 36.25 or better.

ALTR Stock Chart
We went long AMKR, are long USO/LINE and are watching the following stocks closely next week:

http://www.trucharts.com/stockview.aspx?TICK=VFC (which went buy signal right before the gap up)
Markets are closed for President’s day – Monday. Good luck trading and check out our multiple charts feature and also our real time categorized news feature.

We closed our position in K (Kellogg) right before it gapped down on Friday – looks like people are not eating enough cereal!!

Our call on DAL short was right on the money - we closed that position this week.

Trucharts Founder

February 12, 2015


Check this out:

Stock Charts Free at Trucharts.com and Auto Buy/Sell signals: Check out our pick CYBR from our blog it is up over $7.5 in after hours and check out the buy signal generated on our site for this stock: (Truly awesome)

February 9, 2015

Delayed Blog posting due to travel and restrictions

To all:

Due to my personal travels for the past two weeks and travel to China - my blog has not been updated due to bloggin restrictions in China - we will be posting a big update later today - just a brief update on our calls on oil and the ETFs for oil (USO and OIL) these have moved up sharply from our recommendations and as has TWTR which really worked very well for us. We have been long USO and LINE which have moved up over 10% and 30% in the past week and TWTR has moved over 20%. We will discuss these and many other things during our blog update later today.  Good luck trading and watch BOX stock.

Trucharts Founder/CEO

January 28, 2015

Trucharts.com Market closing update - 1/28/2015

Free Stock Charts/ETFs/Dividend stocks at Trucharts.com: Auto Stock Buy/Sell signal strategies - check out our site - free 30d trial:

Well another down day after Fed speak and the techncial picture is getting weaker. Read this article - a very good read on the market technicals: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/too-already-bear-market-110124065.html.

We stated we never have our portoflio all long or all short. We were hedged but stayed with our shorts - GM, F, IBB and DAL. We closed our YHOO short early. Our long side of portfolio was hedged with covered calls and today's weak close was not a good sign. 

OIL is getting crushed and our USO position is not looking strong. We will hold on as the bearish sentiment on oil is growing day by day. We now expect that oil will go to 40 possibly. Gold was down and we are short AEM. 

The market has been going through a tug of war between the bulls and the bears and looks like right now the bulls are losing. Earnings have been mediocre and a few companies are either beating or rasing their forecasts. Majority of the forecasts have been down for this year. Well what this tells us is that the economy is going to see some challenges this year and the world economies are in for a challenge. 

The Greek anti-austerity party victory is driving up the Greek bond yields - expect some fire crackers from the Euro zone - what happens if Greece decides to break away from the Euro zone. Who is next? 

We still want to stay short GM, F and AEM. We will sit and wait tight with our USO position and average down when the dust is cleared. 2000 onthe S&P has been the line in the sand - we will have to watch this 2000 mark and see if the S&P can hold or break it.

AAPL stock was up today and YHOO pulled back - FB still looks like a great short - overvalued company.

January 25, 2015

Trucharts.com Hot Stocks and Stocks to watch - Weekly Blog update - week ending 1/23/2015

Trucharts.com Weekly Blog update - week ending 1/23/2015

A shortened week and the Draghi moment on Thursday when the markets were up nicely after another round of QE was announced 1 Trillion Euros – all central banks are printing money and there is no stopping – low interest rates (negative in the Eurozone) and then we have stock bubbles and ZIRP in US is showing up as bubbles in stock valuations and real estate. We do not expect the Fed to do anything this year on the Fed Funds rate and Draghi is bent on destroying the Euro (which incidentally is at 1.115 to the USD) – now European vacations are going to be lot cheaper. And then we had the Greek election and the drum roll please !!! – the anti austerity party won the elections – what a surprise!! Are the Greeks going back to the drachma??
Enough politics – what does this do to the markets – the move up on Thursday was a big move and the move down on Friday looked like a consolidation move and the trend is still intact – the RSI and MACD is moving higher and we think oil is vacillating within a tight range, and gold is also consolidating. Keep an eye on gold and oil. There are over 1300 companies reporting earnings this week. AAPL is on top of the list and as are many big names. Check out the earnings calendar on our site at:http://www.trucharts.com/earningsview.aspx and also we provide the earnings date for any stock on the stock charts page. Futures are pointing to a lower open, but we expect the AAPL earnings maybe the catalyst and Fed speak is what is going to drive the markets.
We are short GM, F, IBB, DAL (sold some puts also)  and long USO, WSM, K, CYBR, LINE and went long BOX on Friday. Our ALTR short was a good call and GM calls expired. Our Trucharts.com BUY/SELL strategies are working well and we are using these to make trade decisions along with watching the technicals closely. There will be a lot of noise during the earnings season, so be watchful. Here are some stocks we like: K, and the list below – futures are down this morning – so be careful with your entry and keep tight stops – the trend is still up and we think until the Fed speaks we may see some volatility.
Check our Reports section for many other picks in the MACD bullish crossover reports and others.
Please spread the word and invite your friends to use the site and take advantage of out recommendations and site features.
Trucharts CEO and Founder
Bob Bhatia

January 21, 2015

Trucharts.com - NFLX and JAZZ buy signals - check this out

Free Stock Charts, Auto Buy/Sell Signals - Trucharts.com:

Market closed up today - we had a 7:3 advances to decliners on the NYSE. NASDAQ and Amex were almost even advances to decliners. S&P closed almost at the highs and then there was NFLX - probably caught a lot of folks short in this position covering their positions - but the numbers for NFLX were strong and we believe this stock (even though expensive) is going higher. Check out these very interesting charts below. On both these stocks JAZZ and NFLX our trading strategy generated BUY signals yesterday - this strategy is a leading indicator and both stocks JAZZ and NFLX were up today strongly. This feature can be accessed on our site on the stock charts page. The link is www.trucharts.com/stockview.aspx - look under Trucharts Trading Strategies under the chart. Amazing buy signals.