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January 2, 2015

Trucharts.com Blog Update for Markets Jan 2, 2015

Stock Charts Free, Charting and Scans - Trucharts.com

Markets Update Jan 2, 2105

Happy New Year to all.

Well the market makers did what they had to do today to make the DOW positive. Even with negative economic news this morning and the apparent disaster looming in the EU - DOW ended positive for the day. OIL still heading down - we went long LINE for a short term trade - volume was almost 3.5x avg volume (they reduced dividend from 2.90 to 1.25 still a decent yield). Gold was flat and we closed out YHOO position today and went short GM after the recall news. 

Low volume day - now all eyes are on next week and then the earnings barrage. We are still short DAL, AEM (up today) with covered puts and long BIS, WSM, K, CYBR, USO.

Check out our new feature for mulitple stock charts on a single page at: http://www.trucharts.com/multiplestockcharts.aspx

Trucharts team

December 30, 2014

Trucharts.com - Site issue

Trucharts.com - Free Stock Charts and Scans - We are having an issue with our stockview page currently - please bear with us - you can enter the symbol and just do a reload or page refresh and it works fine. We are working on the issue currently. Trucharts team

December 28, 2014

Trucharts.com - Stocks to watch and Marlets blog week ending 12/26/2014

Trucharts.com Markets Update Blog week ending 12/26/2014:

Well now we have the New Year week coming up and markets keep making record new highs. This is the highest number of new record highs hit in one year. DOW and S&P500 are still trending higher. Keep an eye on the 13 and 15 week moving averages for the stock indices and the stocks - these are very critical - you can check these on our site when you click on the week option for period on the stockview.aspx page (www.trucharts.com/stockview.aspx). There was record amount of money put into stock ETFs this past week - check this article - http://finance.yahoo.com/news/u-based-stock-funds-attract-001225961.html; There are technical indicators that look weak - like lower RSI and lower MACD on higher highs - but these are not necessarily pointing to any pullback at the present time. We are still in a seasonally strong period for equities and heading into a New Year - we do not see anything other than some minor pullbacks as we head into the earnings season. Oil seems to be trying to find a bottom here; gold bounced on Friday - we will keep an eye on this - specially due to the turmoil in the currency market in Eastern Europe (including Russia). 

We are long USO, AMKR and short AEM. Our target for gold is still 1000. There are several stocks that look strong - here are th symbols and charts -AAPL and more. We are looking to go long AAPL this week. The rules are very simple - DO NOT FIGHT THE FED and STAY WITH THE TREND. Now the Yellen put is in place and everyone does not epect any major change in the Fed' stance this comng year (till at least middle of 2015) - companies revenues are not growing based on the P/E multiples - yet these stocks keep moving higher - the average PE is being stated as low and this is happening based on significant stock buy backs being used by companies to boost their earnings and EPS. But none of these matter, since the belief is that stocks will just keep moving higher. We will stay with the trend until it breaks - (Ms Yellen (Ms Clause) will come save the day).

Here are some other symbols to watch this coming week:

For full disclosure - we are long AMKR, WSM, BIS, CYBR, K and short ALTR, DAL, YHOO, AEM (will close YHOO this week).

We added a special new feature on our site - check it out at: http://www.trucharts.com/multiplestockcharts.aspx (mulitple charts on one page)

Some good reading material: (ADDED ANOTHER GOOD ARTICLE)

Here is the picture of how to use and access help on our website with any page.
Trucharts help

Check out our special subscription offer - no more monthly recurring fees - just $90 for the full year (50% discount)- here is the link: http://www.trucharts.com/truCharts_Services.aspx

Happy New Year to all - and good luck with trading in the New Year.

Trucharts Team

December 21, 2014

TruCharts.com – Free Stock Charts – Blog week ending 12/19/2014

Trucharts.com Blog week ending 12/19/2014

For SEO: Trucharts.com – Stock Charts Free, Stock Market, Stocks, Charting, Dividend Stocks, World Markets, Technical Analysis, Market Sentiment Charts
Merry Xmas and happy holidays to all. We are in a short week of trading this week and the fireworks were on last week after Fed Speak. We did not expect any surprises from the Fed on the raising of the Fed Funds rate, and the Fed made it a point to tell the markets that it was still ok to take risks and that drove the markets to recover over a 800 points on the DOW and 100 points on the SP500. A lot of this was driven by energy stocks and since some of the stocks had dropped over 50% – there were short covering rallies and bottom fishing and a major short squeeze. BofA Merrill Lynch downgraded several semi stocks but these did not correct as much. The SP500 and DOW look like they are still in an uptrend and our indicators are still showing a trend for the markets to mover higher – after a short consolidation period. The move this past week was massive, but the volumes in some stocks was not high. 
We like XLU (www.trucharts.com/stockview.aspx?TICK=XLU) and the utility stocks as good dividend earners. Check out the charts for SO, ED, PCG and DUK. Even the REIT’s look good and some consumer staple stocks look good. We took a position in K or Kellog (www.trucharts.com/stockview.aspx?TICK=K) and USO – we believe this has finally bottomed for the short term. Keep an eye on CAT (www.trucharts.com/stockview.aspx?TICK=CAT) – we are looking to take a position in CAT. 
We have been hurt by our short position in IBB – but have been writing puts to improve our short price. Our other positions are doing OK – Long WSM, short YHOO (plan to close Monday), DAL, AEM. We are looking to go long CYBR.
There is definitely a XMAS rally going on and we expect this to last into the New Year – until the earnings season starts. AAPL (www.trucharts.com/stockview.aspx?TICK=AAPL) still looks good technically.
We added some new features to our site this week – execiting stuff:
1. MULTIPLE SYMBOL CHARTS on one page – check this feature out at: http://www.trucharts.com/multiplestockcharts.aspx
2. ICHIMOKU cloud indicator on our stockview page and turtle trade indicator
3. Added borders to our charts
Check the features out and also our page: http://truchartscom.blogspot.com/p/why-is-trucharts.html
In addition, we want everyone to take advantage of avoiding monthly recurring fees  and sign up NOW for one very low annual membership for full access for just $90/year – a 50% discount to the annual membership fees and this gives you real time categorized news and complete access to all of the site including dividend stocks etc.
Again – Best wishes for the holidays to all and a Happy New Year and good luck trading.

TruCharts Team

December 19, 2014

Trucharts.com pick updated

Trucharts.com TUBE pick updated:

Check our pick from 3 weeks ago - it is up to $22 - we picked it at 14.

Here is the chart with our buy/sell strategy:

We went long USO and K today for short term trades. We will close YHOO short next week. Our IBB short is hurting but we have been writing puts against this short to raise our short price. We expect markets to move higher into the New Year. DOW 18K and SP500 to 2100+ is going to happen. 

trucharts team 

December 16, 2014

Stock to watch - Markets update 12/16/2014

Stock Charts Free/Scans/Stock Screener at Trucharts.com:

We have been saying stay short or exit positions and take profits. We are still short IBB, YHOO and DAL. Long BIS, WSM. We expect gold to go down further. Russia may take drastic action because of the currency plunge.

Check out the charts for the following:






December 15, 2014

Brief Update on Markets 12/15/2014

Free Stock Charts/Scans/Stock Screener at Trucharts.com - 

We talked about gold pulling back and being short IBB - both of these are moving down and the commodity complex breakdown is going to affect gold and gold miners. Russian ruble has completely crashed and is now worse than the Indian Rupee. Amazing what US political power can do. Short AEM, GM and IBB, long BIS and WSM.

Markets were up and everyone was getting excited this morning. Then we had a pullback and we need to wait and see if the markets consolidate here.

Trucharts team

December 14, 2014

Trucharts.com Blog week ending 12/12/2014

Trucharts.com Blog Week ending 12/12/2014

We expected the markets to hit 18000 for the DOW and 2100 for the S&P500. It came close but did not touch these milestones. We stated that the markets were looking extended and that the risk was high - that scenario played itself out this past week. The breakdown in oil and the commodity complex was not surprising. We expect oil to hit between 50 and 55 - that would be more than a 50% correction and we expect some bottoming in that range. The commodity 15 year bull cycle may be coming to an end. Stocks looked extremely extended and one of our sentiment charts was showing that a puulback was imminent. Check out this chart which had predicted prior pullbacks - it is the chart of the stocks below their 50d SMA vs S&P500 - check this chart below:

You can see in the chart above how the trend for the stocks above 50d SMA is trending down even when the market is hitting new highs. This is evident in both the charts for stocks on the NYSE and NASDAQ. It does not appear that this has bottomed. We should keep an eye on this indicator on ur reports page under "Charts" at .

We expect volatility to be up this week and the S&P to touch the 50D SMA at 2000 and we have to see if the buyers jump in. The DIA has it's 50D SMA at 172.4 - we would like to see if this bounces back. The megaphone pattern in the indices is lookign evident - but then we have to wait and watch - if that does play out then the S&P500 has to break below it's previous low on the prior corrction in October. 

Fortunately for our portfolio, we followed our charting buy/sell signal strategies and closed positions in SDRL (down over 50% from our sell price), RIG, USO (all oil related). We stated shorting GM - still looks like a good short - in addition we had shown the chart for FCX as short in our last blog. We are short ALTR, IBB, DAL, YHOO and long BIS, WSM. We have hedged our positions with puts and calls. Although we see opportunity oin shorting AA - we will wait and watch since we are over exposed to shorts currently. 

Good luck trading next week.

Trucharts team 

December 12, 2014

A good stock to short - Check this

Free Stock Charts/Scans/Stock Screener at Trucharts.com:

Check out this chart for SNDK - we made money on this stock last time. Looks like a great short. MACD down, RSI down and stocks breaking down:

Trucharts team

Trucharts.com - Markets Update and stocks to Watch 12/12

Free Stock Charts/Scans/Stock Screener at Trucharts.com:

Markets down today - check out our published chart for SPY - we stated trend was down and we are seeing that manifested in the markets today. Yesterday was a short squeeze and today we are headed to 2000 on the S&P.

Stocks to watch: ADBE, RH - for coming week.  Short DAL, YHOO, AEM and IBB.

This is what our elected officials are doing in the United States of America - watch out for your future and we elected these folks to represent the common man - unbelievable..