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October 11, 2015

Do you buy or sell now!! Markets where are they headed for Q4 and our favorite stocks - Trucharts.com Blog week ending 10/9/2015

Trucharts.com Blog - week ending 10/09/2015

Do you buy or sell now!! Markets where are they headed for Q4 and our favorite stocks - Trucharts.com Blog week ending 10/9/2015

Well the title says it all - what do you do now that we have had this wonderful rally this week - the move (to us was expected) has been decent and we had stated the markets would move higher after the retest and elevated VIX. So now the VIX is trending down, material stocks have been up, gold has been moving up, right after the Fed announcement and energy moved higher. Markets moved higher as junk bond yields recovered from an oversold condition - be mindful - there is a very high correlation between JNK (etf) and the markets. This is the correlation related to the appetite for riskier assets - specially high yield junk bonds. Based on the charts for DIA and SPY - included here below - we expect the markets to go higher as technicals are still trending higher - see the MACD, RSI and the 200d SMA looks like where we could be headed which would be 17500 for DJIA and 2050 for the S&P500 - these would pose as high resistance for the indices and huge overhead supply. We believe this is just a bounce from an oversold condition with weakening fundamentals, remember earnings drive stock prices. But there are signs of bubbles everywhere and we would be taking profits and sell into the rallies.

Here are weekly charts for DIA and SPY:


Now we are heading into the earnings season for Q3 and forecasts for Q4 - we will have to see what the companies say. From FACTSET news we learned that it would be the first quarter since 2009 for back to back declining earnings quarter over quarter. In addition, FACTSET noted that forward P/E is around 15.9 vs average of 14.1 (5 year). We expect big declines in energy sector along with impact to companies earnings with global exposure due to strong dollar. Well Ms Yellen is going to make it easier by driving down the dollar with the Fed's non stop money printing and ZIRP. We have deleted the earnings calendar and estimates from our site due to very low usage. We will try to see if we can get this data from some other providers. You can check our realtime news page which has an earnings section and dates for reporting.

If you own a position in TSLA - please be mindful - this stock on weekly chart looks like it headed a lot lower and has formed a nice topping pattern. It is at a very critical juncture - the 100 week SMA. Here is the chart:

Charts for gold miners and GLD are looking good for the short term - trend is higher - good for some short term trading. See chart for GLD here - not convincing enough for me. Volume is not strong - but looks like it could go to 50w SMA around 113.

Here is a chart for BABA - we went long at 62.7 based on the buy signal from our site and will close the position soon - very likely this week. As you can see the buy signal was strong and stock is still heading higher - a very unique feature from our site. Please read DISCLAIMERS on our site and our site policies. We always strongly recommend you do your own due diligence and if have never invested in stocks - these are very speculative stocks and trading inherently is not for the risk averse. Please consult your financial advisor before making investment decisions - our recommendations are meant for seasoned traders and experienced professionals.

Please make sure you are aware of holdings in your portfolio and the earnings reporting date - this is available in Yahoo and buy some cheap protection via puts maybe 10% below the current stock price - to limit your risk.

We were also long MO and plan to stay long - strong chart and did a breakout on this past week to a new high from a consolidation pattern.

Now on to our favorite stocks for trading this week and ones we will be taking positions in. These are the stocks we will be trading this week:


Please take some time reviewing these charts above and monitor these stocks. There are many others but we try to limit our choices to what we think have the highest probability of making money.

Please also take some time to review our site and do subscribe - as we said for all the services we provide, we know we offer the best value for money. We cannot survive if we do not have paying subscribers and we need your support to make the site a sustaining entity. People do not work for free and we do not get anything for free. But our users use our site entirely free and do not take advantage of what we truly offer to help you make money in stocks. 

Again your support is very critical - it is a mere $9 per month. If you cannot afford that then please do not trade stocks. You pay that much in commission and will very likely lose money also.

Good luck trading.

Trucharts team and Founder/CEO

September 27, 2015

NASDAQ,DOW and SPY where are these headed? What to do with your portfolio? Trucharts Weekly Blog

Trucharts Weekly Blog

NASDAQ,DOW and SPY where are these headed? What to do with your portfolio?

Sorry that we were unable to publish our blog last weekend due to some family commitments. Well the Fed speech impact was short lived and then volatility picked up in the past week and the biggest standout was the biotech sector which had driven up the NASDAQ to its 2000 highs and everyone on TV was still bullish on biotech sector. As much as we like some stocks in the drug sector and the biotech sector, the valuations were not justified - in addition, we were seeing heavy insider selling in many companies. Many biotech companies with no revenues were showing exponential charts and if you recall how we warned about exponential charts - these always are a bad sign of things to come. Just check out some of the high flyers in the biotech sector. We were also seeing weakening technical signals in the ETF IBB when it was hitting new highs.

Check these stocks:


and then there are many more in this sector that would move on the smallest drug news. Absolutely ridiculous. We have been saying to keep and eye on the 50 week SMA for ETF IBB (which we have been short), and sure enough once it broke the line in the sand it cascaded down and now it is a pure short. We are stil short but we are long BIS (short ETF) which closed for the first time above 50 week SMA - here is a comparison chart (IBB vs BIS). Check the BIS volume - highest ever.

We also have the chart here for the buy/sell signals for IBB on weekly chart - see below (this feature is provided to our registered/subscribed users). We think IBB is headed to around 260 - 280 range. There will be margin calls on folks who are long biotech stocks.


Now where do we think the markets are headed - gold moved up after Godmother Yellen spoke on Thursday that rates would rise in 2015 and markets were up in on Friday early and then pulled back later in the afternoon. We believe the institutions are moving into the comfort of consumer cyclicals, staples and high divided yielding stocks in sectors that are still strong. We are concerned that we may see dividend cuts in the stocks of oil companies - just a guess - but with oil down - there is no way these companies can sustain such high payouts. In addition, we expect massive layoffs and the oil states economies will be affected (Texas, Louisiana and others). We like NKE after their earnings report. We hav been playing with NFLX and are short FIT/GPRO (valuation too high). We expect the DOW to stay range bound 15000 - 17000 for some time here, SPY is headed to around 1750 - current price is 192.85. We would be very careful here - SPY and DIA have broken 100 week SMA. 

China slowdown has now shown up in 2 major equipment suppliers - JOY and CAT. CHina is definitely slowing down and we have to see if they are headed the way of Japan. In addition, the central banks are still running loose with money printing and it seems to be helping the top 1% only. Brazil is going to the dogs with its credit rating cut. The rates for 10 year bonds in Brazil have shot up to 16% - want buy some Brazil debt - anyone? We would stay away from these stocks. We like gold stocks - but we need to see high volume breakout - we are not there yet. We encourage to write covered calls on your positions - that is what we have done and that has protected our portfolio. The trend is down. The ony thing in favor of the indices is the RSI is oversold - but needs to consolidate. Here is weekly chart for SPY:

Check out our site features at the best subscription rates in the industry and on the web:

Good luck trading.

Stay nimble.

Trucharts Team and Founder/CEO

September 25, 2015

IBB short update?? Read it..

We are providing an update on our position on IBB. It is slated to close below 50d SMA for the 1st time in over 18 months. We would short it here - we are short since 340. See RSI and MACD - trending down - this is weekly chart.

Here is the chart:

September 13, 2015

Weekly Blog - Fed Decision on rates this week - What to expect and Market Action - What to buy/sell?

Fed Decision on rates this week - What to expect and Market Action

The Fed week is finally upon us. What is the Fed going to do - the grind and the news is unstoppable - it is discussed on every financial channel and news and now we have the heads of financial institutions and governments asking the Fed not to raise rates - really, now we need these knee jerk morons who have made a killing in the markets because of bubbles from the Fed's own making and decisions, to ask the Fed not to raise rates. I have never seen moments such as the ones we are seeing now or ever, since I started trading the markets over 20 years ago. This is unprecedented in its nature and irresponsible with even the IMF and EU asking the Fed publicly not to raise rates. Well, with over 5.5M job openings, the lowest rate of labor participation, unemployment rate at 5.1%, and Fed balance sheet at $4T - bubbles in stock markets, real estate - these morons want the Fed not to raise rates!! We think the Fed is in a corner (as we said before) and is scared to even budge on rates. The incessant speculation from the CNBS'ers (on purpose) and the non-stop blabber on Bloomberg is really annoying and frustrating - not a single person really knows what is going to happen - OK, we are going to say rates are not going up this week and the Fed will keep the same language - we may be wrong, but, at least we are not going to be blabbering all day about it. Expect volatility around the bonds, US dollar and gold when the Fed decision is announced.

Ok, let us get to the markets now - what do we expect to happen this week - Markets were up on Friday - as we said the markets have never been down on any 9/11 after the event. We expected that and were prepared for it. We are balanced in our portfolio short and long. We are short some semi stocks and overvalued companies and expect these to still move lower - we closed our AMBA short for a nice tidy profit. We were short AMBA from $115. We still think the stock is headed lower. We closed part of our short in MU, GPRO and shorted FIT.

We are long NFLX and BIDU,CYBR,MBLY. We know these are not exactly what we would like in our portfolio at this juncture - but we hedge these with options. The VIX is still trending down and based on our analysis this week from the markets and stocks on Friday, we expect the markets to head higher into the Fed decision day - very likely it will be volatile due to uncertainty from the Fed. 

Do not forget - this is options expiration week and end of quarter for Calendar Q4 and we will be heading into earnings season for Q3 and expect a bunch of surprises and warnings. We saw several charts that look like good trades heading into the Fed rate decision day on Thursday. Charts that look good on charts are shown here (as much as we hate biotech sector - it did not close below our 50week SMA and is tredning higher for the short term - we are short IBB and will likely have to roll that position out into the Oct expiration). Stocks that are looking good for trading are - AAPL,DIS,MCD,CAH,RH,ILMN,GILD and some other biotech stocks. You can check this report on our Market Reports page - here are the links (you can skim the charts quickly with our mouse-over chart feature):

1. Stocks with Buy signals
2. Stocks which close $2 or higher

Here are some of the charts we like for trading this coming week - 




Good luck trading.

Trucharts Team/Founder/CEO

September 6, 2015

Markets - Up and Down - What to do now - BUY or SELL?

Markets - Up and Down - What to do now - BUY or SELL?

Happy Labor day to all.

Well what do we think of the markets here and the direction. We stated in several blogs that markets were exhibiting topping action and we told our readers to take profits, sell rallies and reduce exposure or go short the semiconductor and biotech sector. We have been following this advice in our own portfolio. We have been net short since late June.

Markets have been bouncing from the recent crash and everyone was getting excited. This tells us that the people are still not scared enough and the folks on CNBS (got this of the web and I love it) are still very bullish in light of the market action. The VIX is still elevated and the ISEE call put ratio is still biased towards more put buying - we have not seen such a long string of the ISEE C/P ratio trend towards put buying. Markets dropped on Friday heading into the Labor day weekend. 

Major ETFs reflecting the DOW (ETF: DIA) and others have closed below their respective 100 week SMA. This is definitely not a good sign. We think the markets are headed lower to the 200d weekly SMA and maybe to the next support of 15000 for the DOW. We still recommend lightning up on your positions and take profits in any rally. Companies earnings forecasts are not strong and many are even lower than consensus forecasts. Just take a look at DE. JOY and the semi companies. Stocks are driven by earnings and stocks with their downward movements are indicating lower earnings coming in the future. Corporate buybacks and earnings number rigging along with Fed liquidity was what was driving the markets. You can expect short term rallies due to oversold conditions - but the trend is still down and we would wait before going net long. Insiders have been selling stocks at a rapid pace and they were doing so when the markets were topping - Major insiders in the biotech sector and semi sector dumped a lot of stock at the peak - this tells us that they got extremely rich and do not anticipate any higher prices - the markets were priced to perfection and the markets had gone up without even a 10% correction for over 3 years. We have shown some of charts below.

This past weekend the finance minister for China said that the China stock bubble had burst and this tells us that the Chinese government reactions and intervention in their stock markets is not working - and guess what happens - the Chinese citizens promptly move their money into real estate - the cycle never ends. We will have to wait and see how all the events play out in China. 

China is definitely slowing down and this is the world's second largest economy. They are mired in over capacity and nit driven by internal consumption. We think this is impacting the world economy and the commodity complex as China is the biggest consumer of the commodities.

Housing prices are again up in the US and heading into another bubble and we think this is definitely in the back of the Fed's thought process and with unemployment hitting the 5.1% well within the target range of full employment for the Fed - we think there is going to be pressure on the Fed to raise the Fed Funds rate. We have now the highest rate of employment participation (that means majority of the employable folks have stopped looking for a job).

From a stock perspective - we would not go long any of the semi stocks - we like SLAB possibly - but be mindful - you can take a position if you do not mind averaging down. We would hedge all our positions by selling covered calls and or you can sell puts if you want to own a stock. Now for shorts (be mindful we do not recommend shorting for amateurs - this is for experienced folks) - we still think IBB offers the best shorting opportunity here along with AMBA stock. We are short IBB and AMBA (since 115). Even though some of the indicators are oversold on a daily basis, the weekly indicators are not oversold yet.

We recommend watching this documentary (on youtube) on how OIL controls the world and how the "SEVEN SISTERS" control the world's oil: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtYOjMmEMeg - it is called the 'Secret of SEVEN SISTERS' - unbelievable. 

Check out our buy/sell strategies automated on your portfolio to see if your stock is still a buy or sell signal - try this on weekly and daily chart. Use the Stock charts page to check this. 

As we said last week - we are self funded and would like to get more subscribers so we can look for an investor to help us take the site to the next level - we would like to ask our readers and users to subscribe - it is a measly $9 or $15 per month to get the best feature set on the web and we know this since our returning user base is engaged on our site for more than 12 minutes a session. We use very minimal budget for marketing - we use our funds primarily for development, paying salaries to our developers, and servers, news/data feeds. 

Here is the link to the subscription service page: http://www.trucharts.com/truCharts_Services.aspx 

Here are the weekly charts along with our trendlines drawn:



Good luck trading.

Trucharts team/Founder/CEO

September 3, 2015

Why bubbles exist and monetary policy is still easy!!

Why Bubbles exist and monetary policy:

Read this and see why we have bubbles everywhere - one day the fat lady will sing and (it happened in 2008), and the chicken will come home to roost. Thanks to the stupid Fed (Greenspan, Yellen and Bernanke) are all to blame and the US government was towing the line with Fannie And Freddie Mac which went bankrupt.. Unbelievable and now we are in another stock and real estate bubble in USA and many countries around the world due to the easy monetary policies.


Also watch this video - unbelievable - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYTyluv4Gws

From a trading perspective - we are still net short and our AMBA short worked very well, along with IBB short - we like this trade - long AMGN, short IBB. We are short tech stocks still - PYPL,INTC,SWKS.

Trucharts team

August 30, 2015

Fed Speak - What to do with your portfolio this week and market direction - UP or DOWN!

Fed Speak - What to do with your portfolio this week and market direction - UP or DOWN!

We just went through one of the most volatile weeks in the markets since the dog days of 2008-2009 financial crisis. Is China slowing, what is the Fed going to do and is the world headed into a recession? So many questions and the answers are not very clear. From a volatility perspective, the VIX hit the highest levels on Monday last week when the DOW traversed over 4500 points - this has never happened before - there were huge opportunities to buy at the lows that day and make a huge profit - volatility is truly a trader's gift and an easy way to generate some very quick profits - if you are a technical trader it becomes even easier. You have to make your preferred stock list and watch those only else you will not be able to choose during big market moves, like the one we had last Monday 8/24. We did make money as we were net short into the market and would have really preferred to get into some stocks that tanked at the open - we knew that the  markets would bounce - since it was an oversold condition and markets did rebound into the end of the week - just go check some of the low prices for some of the top stocks on 8/24. Several stocks opened down over 20% and then recovered very nicely. That is why you have to have cash set aside for trading on volatile days - because the returns can be magnificent. 

Markets rebounded over 1000 points on the DOW late into the week and many stocks bounced off the lows - there was short covering and some buying buy the big funds since they saw this as a huge buying opportunity - we saw the fund managers discussing this on TV. Volatility numbers are still high and we would expect volatility this week also. Major trend-lines have been broken and we have to test the trend-lines and the previous support levels (which are now resistance levels) for all the indices.

Fundamentally we do not think the economy or the tech stocks have bottomed - China slowdown and the issues/headwinds they are facing from their bad loans, high debts, exports slowing, over capacity are going to have repercussions around the world. US economy is still strong with the jobs numbers still ahead of the 200K/month magic mark and we think the Fed sees this and is ready to pull the trigger in September. We still suspect whether the Fed will actually raise the Fed Funds rate in Sept. We wil have to wait and see - from our perspective we do not think they have the 'guts' to do it. 

China intervention into their stock markets was one of the worst ideas and then they have been so reactive to every little piece of economic news, that they are acting like a 2 year old's in a candy shop. Lowering RR ratios, cutting interest rates, injecting cash, and so many others drastic measures, it makes one wonder what really is going on in China. 
Is it really that bad!!

There was The Jackson Hole meeting this weekend and the Fischer indicated that the Fed would move towards hiking rates. They know there is a bubble and they are trying to defuse it before it becomes bigger and then they are left with no tools to fight it. We will just have to wait and see with the numerous number of crazy commentary on CNBC and Bloomberg non stop about the Fed's plans. It is getting really ridiculous!!

As we write this futures are down - we expected that heading into Mondays' - typically weak in recent weeks.

Anyway, we expect the markets to consolidate here within a 500 point range - with a topside target of 17000 and low of around 16000. S$P500 to be range bound between 1920 and 2040 range. NASDAQ which was primarily up because of biotech stocks should start seeing some pullback. 

Use this opportunity to lighten up on tech stocks - fundamentally there has been no change in their outlook and forecasts - the trend is down and we expect it to stay that way. With Apple's event coming Sept 9th, we expect that the tech stocks may stay range bound here. We like SLAB for short term trade. We are short AMBA (earnings on Sept 1),SWKS,INTC,PYPL and MU. Our shorts did well for us during this downdraft. We were discussing topping action in the markets and we were ready for it. Long NFLX. We use options to hedge all our positions.

Commodities - oil bounced - expect that to be short lived - we are heading into the slowest season for oil - post summer time. Still some money to be made from short term trading here - check out chart for USO and OIL. Possibly very oversold - should go up for short term. Gold Bounced - we are keeping a close eye on this - as it is tied to the dollar - but with the weaker currencies abroad, we think gold can shine - wait and see.

Here are the charts for DIA daily and weekly - Daily chart shows an oversold condition and weekly is not oversold yet. Watch these carefully along with the VIX. We always trade stocks which have underlying options and are very liquid. We like DIS for short term - looks oversold. Do not like biotech - short IBB.



Please check out our site and provide us your feedback and do check our lowest subscription rate in the industry for all the features we offer. Here are some links and thanks for reading and visiting/supporting our site - we are entirely self funded and still losing money but trying our best to provide our users a good experience to make sound and good investment decisions - we offer the automated buy/sell signal strategies for users to see if the stocks in their portfolio is a buy or a sell. Trust me it has saved me a lot of grief in stocks like RIG.SDRL,USO and many more. I am so glad we have that feature.   

We would love to get subscribers so we can keep the site going and it is the price of 2 lattes at Starbucks per month. 

For subscription visit: http://www.trucharts.com/truCharts_Services.aspx

For features we offer visit: http://truchartscom.blogspot.com/p/why-is-trucharts.html

Good luck trading. Stay nimble.

Trucharts Team/Founder/CEO

August 27, 2015

Markets - UP UP and UP. VIX getting clobbered and OIL up..

Markets - UP UP and UP. VIX getting clobbered and OIL up..

Markets are up significantly for the past two days and have recovered over 1000 points on the DOW. Running into some resistance here.  We expected the markets to bounce and were long some high beta stocks like NFLX, NTES and SWKS. We think the markets will stay around this level into next week. We went long BIDU for short term trade and sold/hedged our shorts with some puts and calls. We like the markets heading into tomorrow and would stay long knowing the VIX is coming down. We said pay heed to the VIX since it had exploded on Monday - and sure enough - it worked - wish we had enough cash to had bought some of the big stocks that got clobbered on Monday - we are long NFLX and MBLY. Looks like Fed made some statements regarding rates in Sept and ETF FXI looks oversold.. Always hedge.. 

Oil is up over 8% today - was way oversold - we still think it will bounce for short term here but long term the trend is still down. 

Check out our subscription page at: (we offer the lowest subscription rate for the best feature set of any site on the web) :


Stay nimble in trading.

Good luck.

Trucharts.com team

August 23, 2015

Markets - What to do now? BUY,SELL,IGNORE,HOPE & PRAY

Markets - What to do now? BUY,SELL,IGNORE,HOPE & PRAY - Trucharts.com Weekly Blog Update - week ending 8/21/2015

Well we finally are getting some excitement in the markets.. Before we get into the gist of our discussion today after the amazing week we had - where the DOW plunged over 1000 points and VIX (volatility index) moved up finally, we would like to list the key viewpoints we have been discussing in our past blogs regarding the market action:

  • There has been sideways movements with triple digit moves every week (9-12 weeks)
  • Markets have been exhibiting very clear topping action
  • Narrow Breadth, narrow leadership, New Highs and New Lows ratio skewed to the downside
  • Oil and commodity complex crashing (we said oil dropping was a big deal)
  • China - China - China - over mired in debt and capacity in all sectors
  • Transports sector down
  • We have been saying sell into any rallies, take profits and hedge your positions
  • DO NOT listen to the talking heads on TV - it is all BS
  • NASDAQ was being buoyed by the biotech stocks and these were going to breakdown and were the new darlings of Wall Street along with the big internet names 
  • Earnings and Revenue forecasts were lower for the next qtr from many sectors -specially the tech sector
  • Valuations in many internet stocks like FB,PYPL,etc were at ridiculous and lofty levels along with the valuations being given to companies like UBER etc in the private placement
  • INTC and MU earnings were key and we had stated that the semi-sector was headed for a major slowdown. We said short INTC,AMBA,SWKS,HAL and MU 
  • We had hedged our longs with covered calls to reduce cost basis 
  • IBB ETF closed below 13 week SMA the week ending 8/14 for the first time in over 15 months
Well now everyone is wondering what next - what are you going to do with your portfolio - Well guess what - we are staying on the same viewpoint and thesis - Sell into rallies, take profits and short IBB (could be the best short). Markets will bounce - but these will be short lived - you can expect more volatility in the next few weeks. You will see clearly below in the charts below that major trendlines have been broken for all indices and the close below major moving averages is a big concern to us. We still like the INTC,MU,AMBA short and are shorting IBB/GILD. We were long NFLX - but with a covered call strategy. We will close half our position and wait for a better entry point. We will look to buy some index ETF on any bounce - target range for DOW is first support 16000 and then around 15000. We think PYPL could be another great short - we are short PYPL.

You can also use our BUY/SELL automated trading strategies on the stockview page to see where sell signals were generated and try to see which stocks in your portfolio are on a SELL signal - do this on weekly and daily charts for your stocks.

Here is the image of trading strategy box on the page above: You have to click to expand the box:

Here are some charts we would like to show this week - look at the trendline and averages - these are weekly charts - please look at RSI and MACD - these are headed down:



Good luck trading, take profits here and now, and sell into any rallies and wait for better entry points. DO NOT LISTEN to the talking heads on CNBC.

We love documentaries and our recommendation for this week is an amazing documentary on smart meters and why you should not allow these in your neighborhood - we live a world of tyranny and corporate corruption and power: You can see this one on AMAZON or YOUTUBE.

Trucharts Team/Founder/CEO

August 21, 2015

Markets - DOWN DOWN DOWN! - Read what we said!!

Markets --- DOWN DOWN DOWN! - Read what we said!!

Well there you have it - DOW down 530 points and NASDAQ down 171 wow!! Just go read all our blog entries and our tweets/fb posts on taking profits and hedging your positions with puts - we talked about the topping nature of the market and we covered some shorts this morning for a tidy profit - we were up all night thinking of trades to do this morning and then got the easy gift of DE (Deere) - we shorted right at the open. We have been short HAL, PYPL and IBB. We closed our IBB short call for 90% profit today - last week in our blog we picked IBB and HAL as top shorts along with PYPL and BABA, INTC, MU.

Good luck trading.. We told you so!!

Closed SWKS short.

Trucharts team