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October 19, 2017

Bubbles everywhere and new highs and extreme complacency

Bubbles, Bubbles and more of it...

This is what bubbles of made of - low levels of volatility and no respect for risk. We are now in a massive bubble and it is now looking like it may also beat the 2000 bubble. All around me I see people discussing stocks and trying to make that quick buck and let me tell you in this type of environment it is very easy to do that. Extreme liquidity from all central banks and the Yellen, Draghi put is making this market look even more risky day by day. But right now everyone is high and happy - as every investor thinks that stocks will never ever go down and there is no risk. Stocks like IBM, UNH and big cap names moving over 10% in a day is not a normal market. Stock rebounding on bad news is not a normal market. All news is good news, even if it is manipulated from an earnings perspective. All valuation metrics are above and beyond the previous bubbles and we have literally created money out of thin air. Central bank balance sheets are loaded with debt instruments, company valuations from a Price/Sales and PE ratios are at highs that eclipse the previous bubbles. There is total disregard for risk and yet no one cares - everyone acts like this is normal price action. Take for example IBM - they beat earnings because of their tax rate - and their tax rate - a phenomenal 11% - yes you read that right - a company as big as IBM pays a 11% effective tax rate and us normal folks pay at 30%. Their revenue was marginally higher and yet the stock was up over 10% in a day - think about it IBM up over 10% in a day. ADBE reported numbers that were slightly higher than the analyst estimates for 2018 and the stock jumped over $15 in after hours - yes that is right over 10% move in a single day. Yet we have the TV talking heads all acting like this is normal and there is no bubble. We do, my friends, and I have lived through two of these and this is the 3rd one - but this is not only a stock bubble it is like a loaded gun - completely leveraged - with housing, stocks, debt, and bonds all at all time highs and we are supposed to act like this is normal. 

Our good old friend Masayoshi from Japan is back and making the rounds - he lost over 70B in the last bubble - yet people gave him money again and he is running around like a boy in a toy store making stupid investments in companies that will never survive and at valuations that are mind blowing. He has a 100B fund. Think about that 100B to invest anyway he wants with no restrictions. Exactly like 1999-2000.

Everyone is feeling rich and the rich just got a lot more richer. More billionaires everyday - why? - all because the Fed is a puppet to the banks and the markets. Foot on the pedal on money printing. They dare not touch the dial or the button - who knows what will happen if they cease or pull back on their asset purchase programs or take away the punch bowl. They are petrified and have no handle on the situation - they use outdated metrics to measure inflation so that can keep printing more money and to keep juicing the pump.. We are all at a big party and no one thinks it is going to end - end it will - when maybe next year - I think. But until then just keep drinking...and get drunk.

Margin debt is at all time highs and yet no one is worried - the last time that happened was at the market tops of 2000 and 2007.

Some articles to read:





It is a bubble when you no longer have to flip homes to make money - you just have to take a snap (photo) and send it to an investor and just make money (check SnapFlip). Boy times have changed but the story has not. It is the same - wash, rinse and repeat (just with different names). Every show on TV now is related to housing flips and everyone is in it. Amazing how things look the same once you have experienced it before - what is that called - oh - 'deja-vu'. The more they say it is different this time, the more convinced I am that we are in this huge bubble and something is about to break. When who knows, but it will happen. Just read the articles in the links above. 

Margin debt at new highs, consumer credit card debt at new highs, auto loans at new highs, student loans debt at new highs - we are all running on borrowed time - we are a mind boggling debt creation machine and what is that called - enslavement. The rich have gotten richer and they are creating debt to enslave others. Companies are mired in debt and China - don't even talk about the Chinese regime - they are lying about everything - just to keep up the charade - debt is ballooning in China and is at over 250% of GDP and everyone says - that's OK - they will manage - of course, I could manage a trillion dollars as long as I have dollar printing machine in my back yard. 

It is amazing to see what is happening and everyone is smiling and acting like - there is no problem - it is all glorious.. Sure it is.. IPOs left and right, mind numbing valuations for startups with no revenue and so many stupid companies being funded - it just rings bells of 1999-2000. I think there must be a 17 year cycle or something..Anyway keep your eyes wide open, and learn to take money off the table and take profits.

We have a very unique feature on our platform - we call it PortfolioSense - as a subscriber you can enter any number of portfolios and we will send you an email at the end of the day to show how your stocks are doing in terms of the technical signals related to the holding in your portfolio. You can then check out the chart to see if you need to make a buy or sell decision. Check it out - I use it all the time and here is the link - http://www.trucharts.com/TransactionDetails.aspx

Don't even get me started on the Drumpf..

July 13, 2017

Fed testimony, Markets, Tech Stocks and Backtest feature on our site

Fed testimony, Markets, Tech Stocks and Backtest feature on our site

LATEST UPDATE: Yellen dovishness sparked huge market move and tech stocks came off oversold conditions. Revenue growth is not there - but we are in bubble mode. We like the following pair trade - Long NFLX calls, Short NVDA. VIX is at all time low and volume in markets is also low - therefore the grind higher. Keep tight trailing stops. SP500 is going to 2500 and DOW to 22000. No stopping this bubble - we like also KLAC and AMAT. BA was our top pick and we still like it.

Brief update on the markets and Yellen testimony. 

Well looks like the squirrel went back into its hole - Yellen and the central bankers are now clueless as to what to do - one moment they are hawkish and then the next two weeks they become dovish. They are so scared now to raise rates, that they have just completely given up. They talked about reigning in the monetary stimulus via draining liquidity from the system by selling their assets on their huge balance sheet of over $4T - loaded with mortgage backed securities. They want to start this in September and increase that as they go along. In addition, Grandma Yellen also indicated that she may not be raising rates (of course that would increase our debt burden) T aggressively - the markets rocked up in a straight line, dollar crashed but gold was up slightly. Basically the Fed is saying we do not care about the bubbles, asset valuations and whatever else the loose monetary policy has unleashed in asset bubbles around the world. Case in example - do you know that the Indian stock market is up over 1000% - yes 1000% - in 14 years - no one is mentioning that the Indian banks are drowning in NPLs - but yet the market is up over 1000%. PEs and company valuations in the US are at levels not seen since the 2000 and 2007 heights and moving higher. But the central banks do not care as this is making the rich richer and the goal is to make the average guy feel richer. Nasdaq is out performing and we are heading into earnings season for Q2 - we will have to wait and see how the companies manipulate their results using financial engineering and stock buybacks etc. Oil has been crashing - we had predicted that and we will have to wait and see how that plays out. Tech stocks are rocking and rolling like there is no bound to valuations and PEs - sounds like the 1999-2000 bubble times (i remember those days very distinctly). FAANG stocks are rocking and we like NFLX and AMZN. FB is breaking out and we need to watch carefully where it goes. We like BABA, QCOM, BA, CAT, LLY, AAPL and are short NVDA. Airline stocks like UAL are about to breakout and rail stocks along with defense stocks look good. Even though there may be issues with the valuations etc., these do not matter as we are in full bubble mode - in Bay area people are over bidding on houses by over 350K with multiple offers - exactly like 1999. We expect this to continue. In addition, we are not seeing any real technical weakness in the markets other retail and oil stocks. We also like EEM as merging markets are doing well.

Always put a stop limit loss of 5% to 10% below 50d SMA to limit your loss or gains in case there is a crash. Check these values on weekly charts also - like 13 week and 20 week SMA.

Also spend your time to learn how to trade options - it helps to reduce and improve your portfolio risk and return.

There is a very unique feature on our site - call backtest and we use it for checking certain technical analysis parameters for many stocks to see which yield the best winning results. Here is an example for stock Facebook or FB and you can see one of our trading strategies generated a buy signal on 7/7 and the results showed that this was a very strong signal for FB and it yielded 7 winners and 1 losing trade. So there was a very high probability that the signal would yield to higher prices and sure enough the stock moved over $8 in 3 days to 159. See the snippet of the testing below:

It is tested over 600 trading bars and the results are amazing. We will be restricting use of this to paid subscribers only very soon and you have a chance to test it out. You can also check out our videos on youtube - links are on our site - www.trucharts.com.

Good luck trading.

July 3, 2017

Is Tech Party over Fed and Grandma Yellen, ECB and Grandpa Draghi..

Is the Tech Stock party over??

So did the Fed crash the tech party and the bubble it created - what will it do to other asset bubbles. What will happen in the future with all the debt built up into the system and why have the billionaires become even richer in this cycle. The answer is Greed!! The Fed, ECB and central banks know that there is no way out of this debt cycle and bubble they have created and are responsible for. In the name of trying to save doomed and heavily taxed economies of the world and then making promises they cannot keep, the central banks are in a big bind - keep printing money and grow the debt or try to drain the liquidity. They have boxed themselves into a corner. 

The whole world has now over 280% debt to GDP ratio - Yes over 280% - thanks to Central banks and our crazy fractional banking system. Every nation is going to pay the price and the Fed has tried to perk up stock prices and has created another massive bubble in stocks and housing - it is called lather, rinse, repeat - when will these folks ever learn - that asset bubbles created from such loose monetary policies allow the folks at the top to get even richer and the lower class and middle class really do not get any benefit. Wages are stagnant and all the house buying is supported by elevated stock prices.

So did the Fed finally realize that the end is near.. and that they need to do something to stop their balance sheet from growing - did the ECB just realize that they are also complicit in perpetrating an asset bubble - just take a look at student debt, auto loan debt, and credit card debt just in the US. Consumer debt in UK, Australia and all countries is at exorbitant levels relative to income. Then there is corporate debt which has grown massively while rates have been low - will these go into default - what about the energy sector companies - will these be able to service their debt loads and their dividends?? 

The tech stocks and Nasdaq have had a massive run up and the valuations are at nose bleed levels. All these companies have manipulated earnings by doing stock buybacks and cost adjustments via layoffs and outsourcing. Real revenue growth is evident in very few companies and lot of the semiconductor companies businesses are very cyclical. Many of these stocks - specially like NVDA are trading at multiples given to very speculative companies or IPOs. We are betting heavily against NVDA and believe it is going lot lower. The daily chart shows a climax high on the day it touched its all time high of 168.5. In addition, the chart is parabolic in nature and parabolic charts never end well. We like QCOM as a better investment even though it is in the middle of some lawsuits and fighting the FTC and Apple. But their purchase of NXPI is an awesome addition to their portfolio as NXPI has huge presence in China. We do not believe the true benefits of this acquisition is reflected in the current stock price. NXPIs' RFID technology is omnipresent in China and the rest of the world (ROW) and growing. QCOM has enough cash to keep the dividend payout and if the government decides to change the tax rate on dividends then watch out and all dividend paying stocks will crash. See our video on youtube at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFC5iVaTkQY

So we think the bell on the NASDAQ and the semi stocks. We advise taking profits aggressively. All key indicators of market bullishness are at levels seen only in 1929 and 2007. 2000 bubble mania was higher and was the biggest bubble ever.

DOW stocks are doing well and it appears that energy may be bottoming here. We like CAT, DE and BA (wait to buy this one). The biotech sector still looks good but we would sell JNJ and MRK. Housing stocks look ok. Bonds are down recently - watch these closely.

Futures are pointing to a higher open for Monday Jul 3. This is very typical action prior to Jul 4th holiday. Sell into this rally any tech stocks and take profits. AAPL is still cheap but we would wait to buy at lower prices. We like NKE but keep a stop at 55. Weekly chart looks good. Chart for NKE - www.trucharts.com/stockcharts.aspx?TICK=NKE

Good luck trading. 

B. Bhatia

June 27, 2017

Mr. Market, Yellen, Gold, Tech stocks and bubbles

Markets, Yellen, Fed, gold, Tech stocks and bubbles

Well another week and Monday markets were up and all the bulls were running around predicting that the markets were headed higher. Sure enough we had a down week last week and Grandma Yellen's move to tighten is still being partially ignored by the markets. TLT or bonds were moving higher with yields moving down. We like TLT and have been long since 120. Check the chart here:

There was a heavy rotation into the biotech stocks this past week. The move in the biotech ETFs such as XBI, IBB and BIB were excellent and look like weekly breakouts. We expect these to move higher based on their weekly chart patterns. Check these charts below and we would expect a pullback before we would take any long positions.

Weekly charts:

We believe the rotation is coming out of tech stocks and moving into alternate investments that have been lagging. There is no question that we are in a bubble mode for all assets - the question is, when will this bubble burst. Over 90% of the tech stocks are trading at ridiculous PEs and valuations (that are above the 2000 stock bubble). 

Even with Fed tightening, central banks around the world are still in easing and loose monetary policy mode. 

Gold has been bouncing around this level between 1200 - 1330 for quite some time. Technicals are negative and we have to see a decisive break above the weekly moving averages of 13, 50 and 100 to turn bullish. We do not see that happening unless there is a monetary crisis a.k.a China Yuan or some other country currency crashing.

In the tech stocks we like, QCOM and WDC. These stocks relative to their peers are cheap and have good dividends and low PEs. We also like Alibaba - BABA, TWTR (if weekly close above $19.5) and would short NVDA. Please keep tight stops at 5% below 50d SMA or 20 week SMA. You can find these values on our site when you plot the charts on the www.trucharts.com/stockcharts.aspx page. 

We have added new features such as customizable multiple screener for various technical signals on our site under "Screener" menu option - check it out.  

We have video tours of our site on how to use the site effectively - please do check it out.

We have a discounted subscriber pricing which is at $10 per month or $120 annually. Please check this out on our subscriber page.

Good luck trading.

B. Bhatia
Founder/CEO - Trucharts.com

June 20, 2017

Fed meeting, gold, tech stocks and where we are headed

Fed Meeting - Fed stance, Gold and Where markets are headed

So the Fed meeting was over last week and they raised the rates by 0.25bp. In addition, indicated that they need to start winding down their balance sheet. Whoa!! Is Grandma Yellen and the Fed waking up to the scenario that they are the primary cause of the bubble - well surprise, surprise - they and all Central banks have co-ordinated this massive bubble and they have no idea how to truly unwind it. Stocks are trading at ridiculous valuations and at levels above the 2007 peak. The 1999-2000 peak was a real bubble of truly massive proportions - but we are now in an all out massive bubble in all assets except gold (maybe).

Tech stocks are valued at the highest EV/Sales ratio, high PE's and the insiders are cashing out. Does that sound familiar? Right now machines are trading and there we believe will be the catch 22 and the main risk. We can tell via our intraday charts when machines kick into the trades. Right now machines are running the show and there is very little human intervention. In addition, complacency is running at lows and we expect this to stay this way possibly through the summer.

We had predicted that the DOW stocks would hit new highs and many of the big names are hitting new highs. Our prediction of Dow 21500 was met this week and we do not see any reason for now that would not allow it to move higher.

We trade on technicals and these seem to be working very well - as we think the machines are programmed to work on technical signals. This is another reason to use our reports page to identify stocks that meet certain technical criteria.

So which stocks do we like - and how does one protect your portfolio.

Based on our analysis, we are seeing a move into the Dow component stocks and big names. We still like AAPL as it is cheap 0 but we would wait for a nice pullback before taking a position. We like BA, MDT, JNJ, CAT and DE. These are looking strong. 

We would take profits in tech stocks as we thinkthe tech cycle and bubble is over and although we may see signs of a rebound - we would sell into the rallies. There is definite rotation going on and tech is not the place to be at least for the summer or until the IPHONE 8 announcement happens. We are short NVDA and will stay short. We are long puts on NVDA also. 

We believe that the Fed is on a tightening and liquidity draining from the system and this will result in a profit taking in tech stocks as these are overvalued on all key parametrics - except for AAPL. In addition, please keep tight stops at around 8% to 10% or at 5% below 50d SMA depending on your buy price.

Check out our site - we offer AI based trading algorithms with clear buy/sell signals, end of day technical reports which work great to find good stocks to trade or buy.

We do not like gold as the Fed is in tightening mode and draining liquidity.

Good luck trading. 

Check out our site tour youtube video at -  

June 12, 2017

Friday's Nasdaq Tech Bloodbath

Blog 6/10/2017 and 6/12/2017 


Was it a tech carnage or not?? Friday was a huge rollercoaster ride but we made out really well!Well, Friday started out like a good day in the markets with many of the FAANNG stocks hitting new highs and then reversing ending lower. AMZN moved around 100 points and we were very fortunate that we had closed our puts and were long the lower puts on many stocks and all of these made us some really good profits.We have been short NVDA and are staying short - we know this is a bubble stock trading at ridiculous valuations. Many of the stocks on the NASDAQ have been going up non stop in a straight line up with almost no end in sight - it looked and still looks like the bubble of 1999-2000 with a different feel. Everyone feels invincible and like a investment pro. It is all easy to think that one is a genius in investing when making money is so easy. It is days like Fridays when folks start getting margin calls that we see selling and then everyone tries ti buy the dip. We will have to wait and see if buying this dip makes sense. 

Now there was one key thing we had noticed on Thursday even when stocks were moving higher - MSFT was acting weak and that was a sign that something was changing. Everyone in the midea and online (CNBS - Cramer) has been harping on and on about NVDA - a chipmaker which momentarily reached a market cap of 100B - yes 100B and selling at price to sales ratio of around 12+ - no semiconductor company has ever traded at such a huge multiple or valuation. Also it is very common to see when stocks are high flying that analysts and idots on TV come out and try to justify the valuations of such stocks - vocalizing terms which they have no idea about like AI and VR etc. NVDA is a chip company - end oif story and their sales will never ever reach the lofty valuation it carries. NVDA is primarily a graphics chip company with lot of competition and this is a very hyped stock. We highly recommend taking profits, if long, and we are short and long NVDA puts.So what happened Friday tech stock bubble - we think there is a shakeout that took place. Technicals are still strong and until we actually see real technical breakdowns - we have to count it as a shakeout. In addition, it would be prudent to take some chips off the table and ring the bell on profits. Many of the stocks bounced up from their 20day and 50d SMAs. Very typical when machines are running the house. We can expect some bounce but we are also seeing rotation out of tech stocks, which we mentioned have been going up in straight line fashion, into energy and other sectors. 

Financials were strong but we still think this was a dead cat bounce. We like BAC and some financials, in energy we like beaten down names like SLB for short term plays. We also like some retail names - short term trades - GPS looks good. We would short SBUX, NVDA and LRCX. Although the real technical weakness or clear breakdown is not evident yet - have tight stops above at recent high. We suspect there will be some bounce back and maybe this was just a shakeout. We will have to wait and see confirmation - as there were no breakdowns below 50dSMA. NVDA was a classic textbook climax high reversal.

Financials were looking strong as these were oversold and oil bounced with gold closing lower. We need to watch for follow through on these next week. GPS chart looks good and we are watching BABA to see if it consolidates here for a breakout.Monday was a nice bounce back day. Many good formations on charts - need to watch closely - still short NVDA.Good luck trading and checkout our video on youtube and follow us on twitter (@trucharts). We will start posting more videos on youtube on how to use our site more effectively for trading decisions. Do subscribe - it is only $10 per month for full year subscription.

B. Bhatia
Founder - Trucharts.com

June 7, 2017

S&P and all indices at records - Wow Trump did have a huge impact on markets. Where do we go from here?

Welcome to the era of Trump and record high markets:

First of all, I wanted to apologize from being away so long from writing my blogs. Due to personal medical reasons, I was unable to keep my blog updated.

Well, we are definitely in the record books for sure. All indices at all time highs, financials were up, airlines up - everything is and has been going up. Financials did pull back from their highs after the Trump agenda does not seem to be materializing. But tech stocks - unbelievable run - all semi stocks, NVDA, AMD and many others are trading like it is 1999. Many amateurs are jumping into the market and let me tell you, I lived through 1999-2000, cashed out at the top - and this is looking like deja vu all over again - maybe to slightly smaller extent. Stocks are trading at sky high valuations and nobody cares, the media just keeps priming the pump and the bubble - along with the Fed.

It has been a nice run and we are still not seeing any real technical weakness - except in the financial stocks. AMZN, GOOG, FB, NFLX (or FANG stocks) along with TSLA are trading at valuations that are the GDPs of many nations combined together. I think it is getting crazy - but make hay while the sun shines. There is no regard for risk or risk aversion and therefore one as an investor or trader needs to make sure they have their stops in place. This is a good time to have one foot out the door. 

There is no question that this is a liquidity driven bubble, the Fed and all central banks are driving this bubble with no regard for the debt and market valuations. You can tell you are in a bubble when the markets and certain stocks bounce back to new highs even on bad news - mind you there has really been no real growth in revenue - there has been financial shenanigans and financial engineering to create wonderful rosy outcomes. Huge stock buybacks, and setting expectations low with the analysts community - and then during earnings season beating the estimates - sounds like a nice scam to me. But the SEC is powerless entity and they just play along. 

Anyway, we think there is still room at the top. With all this talk (no action) about tax reform, health care reform, infrastructure - well Mr. Trump does not seem to get that this is not like erecting a skyscraper - or just making a golf resort - this is the government and the government does not run like a business - and you cannot run it like a reality show - he just loves showmanship. Anyway, back to the markets.

So we like the following stocks - AAPL, WDC, PANW, INTC, QCOM - there are many others, but we are being opportunistic in our trades and watch for new highs and breakouts. We also look at the technical end of day reports from our site at www.trucharts.com/marketreports.aspx - look for RSI less than 30, improving RSI, TC Positional Buy signals and MACD crossover reports. 

The unemployment picture is not looking good - debt at consumer level is at record highs and this is already impacting the retail sector - obvious from the store closing and stock prices. Leadership is narrow and housing is looking like a major bubble - rides along with stock prices. 

We are in a bull market and heading higher into the IPHONE 8 season and going long AAPL is a good trade. Keep good stops and wait for our next update soon.

Good luck trading.


February 22, 2016

Markets Post Xmas hangover, SP500 line in the sand breached and how to prepare for 2016; The movie "The Big Short"

Markets Post Xmas hangover - SP500 line in the sand breached and how to prepare for 2016; 

The movie "The Big Short"

Ok it has been a REALLY long time since I updated my blog. Was out of it for a while for many reasons but suffice to say that I will do my best to keep our readers updated as much as I can on the latest conditions about the happenings in the markets and my predictions.

Well we have had a helluva of a ride in January and thank the Lord we were short. I was expecting some run up into the 1st week but that did not happen. We knew that the 2015 end of the year ramp was a who can beat the next fund manager race and we made money in it while the going was good and then the bottom fell out of the markets - I guess they are saying oil - but we beg to differ - we think oil was one factor but in addition the markets were, and are, still overvalued. We had the standard drop to old support and the standard "W" bounce backup - very textbook pattern and we expect the markets to move up to the 50d SMA coming in from an oversold condition, high bearishness and elevated volatility. Personally I think we are headed lower but for the short term the bulls have the upper hand. And with Grandma Yellen and the Fed out of the way for March - the party is on.. We said short many of our favorites like - IBB, QCOM, AMBA, FIT and many more - we covered a lot of these shorts and are planning to cover some more this week to have some ammo for some short term long trades. We like a paired trade like long AMGN short IBB and writing weekly calls and puts. In addition, BIDU is reporting this week, as is HD. We are looking to go long BIDU and waiting to short HD if their earnings/forecast do not look strong. We think HD is topped out - but we need confirmation that the housing is sort of peaking out here.

I personally believe that the Superbowl 50 was the mark of the super debt and commodity cycle. Gold - our favorite metal did well - but we need to wait for a nice pullback and consolidation. In the end gold is the best currency. As I write this gold is down 20+ and markets are rocking!! We have to see the bears capitulate a little bit before the next leg down. Be nimble..

Now for my rant on politics in the USA - It is the biggest sham ever put in the face of the public. It is such a shame that there is no real leaders in this amazing country where we had folks like Abraham Lincoln and so many more Presidents that made us feel proud to be an American - After George Bush Sr - it has been all downhill - Obama - fuck Obamacare - the worst health care law ever enacted - - we do not live in a free market society - we live in a collusion/cartel of insurance company health care system along with the drug companies - go see how the biotech execs have been cashing out of their stock - mind blowing, to say the least.. Hillary - liar and panderer, Trump Incompetent - no idea what he is talking about or saying, Sanders - Give everything for free and blame the corporations except the fucking government - Cruz - owned by the Big Boys as is Rubio - thank God Jeb is gone, as is Christie - owned by the mafia and even looks like the Mafia and I feel sad for Rand Paul - not that I agree with everything he says - but he was a really good candidate - and the media just keeps giving Trump so much free advertising and you can tell the media is so totally biased with the incessant analysis is way beyond crazy.. Where do people find so much time?? None of the candidates are even worth becoming vice president - much less president. Sad state of affairs for this amazing country - what blows my mind is how people even listen to Hillary talk - she is speaks from both sides of her mouth - saying one thing and at the same time telling herself how stupid the citizens of this country are. It is truly mind boggling. Our votes have no meaning - that is how the whole system is designed. All these debates are just a show and nothing else - Hillary will be president - that is the plan and Trump is part of this whole sham. Noise in the system..

Now for one of the best movies of all time - goes in my top 10 list - "The Big Short" - Please see this movie and it will teach you why sometimes you have to go against the crowd. When we were running our hedge fund ( I wish we had known about the insurance on CDSs') - anyway we were short the housing market - and no one would believe us and they started pulling their money out of our fund. After the crash of 2008-2009 - people agreed that we were right. We see the same state of housing - I know I may be early - but the tell tale signs are there - and it will come crashing again. It is like a double top and that is what I believe we are witnessing - easy credit and easy money printing and bubble blowing by the Fed - Big Ben and then his apparent clueless prodigy Grandma Yellen - what a disaster. The Fed has done nothing, along with the bankers of this country - then ruin the whole economy - it is easy when money is free to print - we are in debt to our eyeballs and yet we act like - no big deal. At the rate we are going - we will cross 20T this year.. States are going to go broke and then the government will too.. Buy gold, land and hoard cash because they are going after our retirement accounts soon.. It is coming - be ready..

Anyway - I am travelling again after a long period of some sickness - in Hong Kong waiting for my flight to India and then going to China on my way back to start a new business venture. I will keep trading as I love it and it is one of my passions.  Do check out our site - we have made many changes and improvements and do subscribe - it helps pay for our self funded developers/server and data charges and keeps us motivated to do more. Not to brag - but I do think we have a very unique site and for the end user we provide some of the best features. We are working on more features and will keep doing so. We have the best buy/sell signals with our proprietary strategies - check these out on the stockcharts page.

Good luck trading and best wishes.

B Bhatia
Founder/CEO trucharts.com

December 9, 2015

Happy Post Thanksgiving Blog - Markets and where these are headed going into 2016?

Happy Post Thanksgiving Blog - Markets and where these are headed going into 2016?

Started writing the blog in Hong Kong and now continuing to write in Singapore (a truly amazing city - so clean - it is like spotless). Still writing (now from Singapore lounge - Hong Kong airport is soooo much better).. 

Schizophrenic markets controlled by Central Bank speak and driving us crazy.. Down one day and up another just because of Central Banks (specifically Draghi - he is becoming such an annoyance) - Eurzone economy sucks - just suck it up and go home. What a waste of time. Well we had two days of trading on the downside and after the stupid huge ramp on Friday, because of options expiration and Draghi speak, we still expect the markets to stay range bound due to Q4 seasonality and technically weak. Energy stocks are crashing and our theme has been consistent on the energy stocks - stay away from these and our target for oil was between 35-60 - now we are at the low end of this range - tough to say where it goes - commodity complex is crashing and I was told that folks who bought real estate in many places (folks who were in the commodity business) are trying to dump their real estate holdings to pay off debts and get liquid. The COMMODITY boom is way over.. What happens to gold?? This will be tough sledging for gold with rate hikes coming. Negative interest rates in the Eurozone - who ever thought we would have negative interest rates - these are truly amazing times and the printing binge is not ending - then Saudi Arabia just secured financing for the tallest building in the world - Who the fuck wants to live in Saudi Arabia other than the fu%$$ng Arabs in such hot weather and crappy place. Having lived in the Middle East for a long part of my life - I hated every minute of it there. Someone's ego needs to be stoked - Alwaleed Bin Talal!! Ridiculous - this country is going broke and they are worried about tallest building in the world. Such BS..These people will never learn - they are here to just stoke their stupid egos.. 

Finally able to write freely after the stupid censors and blogging restrictions, 2 days of overcoming food poisoning in China - makes you wonder how is this country going to really move into the 21st century if it blocks freedom of speech, gets away with human rights violations and yet we welcome it everywhere - sounds too hypocritical to me. But, the progress in China is unbelievable - they keep on building - i think I counted over 500 cranes (since I was bored) in the taxi from Dongguan to Shenzhen. Crazy. There is no stopping the real estate train in China - not happening..Who knows where and how this will end - but right now it keeps chugging along. Travelled to India on this trip another crazy place with so much traffic, pollution and no control - and yet people keep talking about the Indian economy growing - where - it is predominantly driven by real estate, black money and infrastructure sucks, loans are defaulting and banks keep lending. The world is going crazy with the carry trade and there is no telling what the outcome is going to be. Right now everyone is acting like a drunken sailor and there is non stop money printing going on with no end in sight. Sounds like the good old Roman empire days..Well thanksgiving was great for the markets and black Friday looked good except online buying was even stronger. Then Yellen spoke and we had two down days right after that markets bounced on Draghi speaking.

It is typically a strong part of the year for the markets so you would have to buy the dips here - in strong stocks, typically Q4 is the best performing quarters and with quite a bit of under performance this year for many funds including hedge funds, we would expect a run on stocks going into the end of the year primarily in the big names that are holding the markets up - what we call the Trojan horses - AMZN,NFLX,GOOGL,FB,BIDU,BABA, and many others in this list and also top names that are underperforming this year will be picked up just to show good or at par performance relative to the markets - so our position would be to go net long here in the big names and ULTA also fits into that list. We stated in our previous blogs and on twitter that we liked the tobacco stocks(MO and PM) and LLY. We were net long the market with these stocks and these performed well for us. We have been short puts on YHOO - we like the idea of the sale of the core business - stock could go to 40.

Please do check out our site for our great buy/sell signals - we have been posting the charts on twiiter (follow @trucharts) - we have some amazing buy/sell signal strategies and we followed them for the energy stocks and that saved us a ton of money - specially stocks like SDRl, RIG, XOM, CVX and XLE. 

For 2016, we expect huge challenges for the markets due to lowered earnings and there is lot of technical issues with the markets that do not suggest a higher market - narrow breadth, leadership and overvaluation in many sectors - tech specifically. We would stay in some consumer staples with dividend stocks and stocks which have proven earnings power and options for hedging.  AAPL going into Q1 still looks good - but we would would hedge our position. Watch VIX closely - whenever it shoots to 30 - 40 range - start buying and we would sell biotech here - biotech bubble is over. Good luck trading.

Trucharts Founder/CEO and team

November 1, 2015

Best October Market Rally, Do you Buy, Sell or Hold?

Best October Market Rally, Do you Buy, Sell or Hold?

Trucharts.com Blog update week of 10/26/2015

Well again due to some business commitments we were unable to update our weekly blog for over two weeks now. We are finally back and updating our readers on what has transpired and with all the financial media going nuts over the best October rally, we have to sit back and see what to do next and plan for Q4. Check out our site for the best buy/sell signals for stocks and just apply it on BABA stock and you will see why we went long at 62.. Go tot the stock charts page and click on the Trucharts Trading Strategies bar - seen in red below and you will get the different trading strategy options to apply to the chart - (please read our disclaimers - please do your due diligence and consult with your financial adviser before making investment decisions) - this is for information purposes only. We offer this to our paying and free subscribed users only. You can try this on VRX and you will see it generated a SELL signal around 220.

There is no doubt that the rally was expected. We had discussed this in our last blog and our updates via twitter (twitter handle: @trucharts) and on facebook at (https://www.facebook.com/truchartscom-273554162830234/) - we expected S&P to reach around 2100, DJIA to reach around 17800 to 18000 and that is exactly what the indices did during the October rally and with earnings season in full force - markets responded to stocks with good earnings. We believe that this is a short lived rally and even if we hit new highs, we would sell into the rallies. Markets are not significantly overbought yet so we expect some sideways movements in the indices. The Fed spoke (amazing) and now that they realize they are well behind the curve in raising rates, the again tried to spook the markets by indicating a possible rate hike for December. Markets are in bubble mode - real estate along with it and it is not just here but all around the world. We have bubble blowers and Central banks printing money while earnings from companies are drying up and not even meeting lower estimates. The Wall Street gang plays this game beautifully, lower the estimates and when the companies report slightly better results, the street starts their cheering. One has to look through the numbers - but from a technical trading point of view you just have to be ready to trade based on the earnings announcements. Here are some charts for the S&P , DJIA and a chart we pulled from a very interesting article on M&A activity which typically tends to peak around market tops.

ADDED: Another good read:

Link to article: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/ubs-beginning-end-bull-market-131106708.html 

Source Bloomberg/UBS:

From the charts below for SP500 and DJIA we expect sideways movement and possible new highs into Q4 due to a typically strong Q4 season for the markets and we would lighten up into this sideways and possible upward movement. We would not hesistate to write covered calls on long positions. We have done that already for many of our accounts. Many tobacco stocks appear overbought, so we would either sell these or hedge with puts or reduce cost basis via covered call strategy. We are long PM and LLY. Our MRK position got called away.

As you can see the MACD is getting extended as is the RSI reaching overbought conditions. But we expect this to last for sometime with minor pullbacks and sideways movements.


We would lighten up on biotech stocks and health insurance companies. We believe that Obamacare is a total disaster and will very likely get repealed if the GOP takes the White house. The premiums are unaffordable and we are seeing several co-ops going out of business due to high costs and then the insured are being put into a situation with no coverage and high costs. We believe this will not end well and there will be a new wave or change in the healthcare system in this nation. The current scenario is not sustainable and is designed heavily in the favor of insurance companies and drug companies. We also think these insurance companies may have reached a peak in their earnings cycle. Our net portfolio is short tech stocks. AAPL seems to have peaked and we do not expect any major move in AAPL - we still like NFLX - as Q4 is a strong season for them.

Good luck trading.

Trucharts team